Just when you thought that men and pregnancy don’t go hand in hand comes one of the most unique tales ever.
Moreover, a trans man that gives birth exists and he’s taking over the world by storm with his heartwarming story.
Freddy McConnell is finally getting some recognition from the world and rightly so. After transitioning, Freddy felt very comfortable in his own skin. And that’s when he decided to go on a quest that’s unique, to say the least.
Think along the lines of conception, followed by a pregnancy, and then a delivery too. But that’s just the beginning. Here are more details on his revolutionizing journey.
The introvert journalist goes public with a unique transition
If you think Freddy McConnel is an extrovert, you’re sadly mistaken.point 116 | Similarly, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that he’s a very private individual, very old school type.point 201 |
But why would someone like him actually want to bring their personal life in the limelight? If you’re wondering that, well, you certainly aren’t the only one.point 136 | 1
To begin with, Freddy says that he also never imagined getting the kind of attention from fans, followers, strangers, loved ones, and more. Meanwhile, he also claims that he felt a sense of responsibility on his part to share his story.
Meanwhile, the journalist claims that documentaries and on-screen dramas don’t portray trans the way they should. And that really gets to him sometimes. ‘Moreover, it’s important to let others in on our world’, he claims. ‘We are more than just a sensitive part of society.’
The man that gives birth takes control
And that’s exactly the point in time where Freddy decided he wanted to make a difference. Therefore, he gathered up his own team and took charge. And the end result is something called Seahorse.
Out of all the names in the world, you’re probably wondering why he chose seahorse. Firstly and most importantly, seahorses represent how men take care of their young. And this documentary is related to pure love, fallouts, family care, breakups, identity complexes, and a lot of raging hormones.
But what was the setting for the documentary? Well, McConnell says he prefers living a rather simple life, on the quieter side of town. He felt very safe here during his pregnancy because people care.
‘People look out for me. The town is small and even when I’m pregnant and at work, I feel good,’ he exclaimed.
After fighting to become a man, Freddy reveals his plans for pregnancy
Time and time again, the 32-year-old man that gives birth asks the same question.point 241 |
But he’s not the only one.point 23 | His dad wondered the same for months.point 54 | Why did he want to go through a pregnancy in the first place? After all, he fought this hard to become a man.point 141 | And now he wants to deliver a baby? Isn’t that a characteristic feature for womanhood?point 215 | 1
However, as time went on, things started improving. And today, Freddy and his father share an everlasting bond for eternity. The two even take turns while babysitting for their child. To put it simply, it’s a beautiful ordeal.
Trans man avoids major gender surgery, says he loves kids
At 25, Freddy took a lot of hormone replacement therapy in the form of testosterone. Similarly, he went under the knife to get his breast tissue removed, just one year later.
But Freddy never underwent hysterectomy because of his love for kids. He always wanted to keep the option of being a man that gives birth open. And he definitely succeeded.
You’ll find a lot of unique scenes in the documentary where the 32-year-old goes a little off track when he stops taking his hormone therapy. And that’s because he wishes to conceive through a sperm donor and finally does. In short, his transformation is unique yet fascinating. And you definitely need to watch more to find out what happens next.
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