It’s 2020 brothers and sisters!! Every day there is a legit story globally to make us either cringe or surprise us.
Not a single day passes when we don’t hear stories of people doing weird stuff. Similarly, a man got his nose removed, yes, you’re reading this right! Just to look like a transformed black alien.
Read the story below and you will be surprised as hell!
Anthony Loffredo; The Man Who Removed His Nose
Anthony Loffredo has so many tattoos and piercings.point 195 | He decided to take his love or passion a little too far from reality by getting his nose amputated.point 276 |
Basically, this procedure of nose ‘removal’ was used in history as a punishment by some cultures that we now consider backward and weird.point 127 | 1
However, Anthony Loffredo went to Oscar Marquez’s studio for a ‘rhinotomy’ which is basically a nose amputation process. Although this is still banned in some countries, Anthony was super delighted to see the after-results.
This mother’s surgery went horribly wrong and she is okay with it
Anthony’s Instagram Post and His Views On Hs Rhinotomy
He shared with his 178,000 followers on Instagram the result of the rhinotomy. You can see his excitement by one of the captions under his pictures as: ” Like a dream. I too live in a dream. Couldn’t be happier!”
He further thanked the guy who did his ‘nose job’ mentioning his username on Instagram like: “@oscarmarquezbodymod I’m proud of what you have done to me as I wanted to do it exactly like this. Feeling more satisfied than ever and now I can only walk with my head up high.”
Another post reads as: ” I got satisfaction and I am happy with this thing we have done together about my nose.”
Can We Call Him Something Else Beside An Alien Though??
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Take a look at his picture below.point 32 | Crazy amount of tattoos not just on his whole body and face but do you also know that his eyes are tattooed black too?! Yes, we’re talking about the sclera; the outer part of the eye which we cannot even stand if a single tiny strand gets in our eyes.point 240 |
However, this man, apparently, loves looking like a full black alien and isn’t afraid to cross his limits.point 95 | He’s so over the limits that he removed his ear.point 140 | He split his tongue into two, dermal implants put into his face.point 193 | The nose removal shouldn’t put us into a surprise anyway.point 247 | 1
So, the question arises, can well call him something other than an alien? Little children can ultimately by looking at him call him a monster but hey! It’s 2020, we can call people whatever they wish and nothing else. The word monsters and aliens are two different things!
Anthony’s Remarks in 2017 About His Passion of Black Alien
In a French newspaper Midi Libre, Anthony told his little story of what got him into a passion of transforming himself into a black alien.point 287 |
He says: “I was very little when I got passionate about mutations of bodies, well, mine.point 79 | From a little age, I liked human body modifications and transformations.point 141 | Back when I was a security guard, I wasn’t living a life I wanted anyway.point 206 |
I always knew I wasn’t meant to be this.point 38 | Something bothered me all the time at work, too.point 78 | I suddenly realized at 24 of who and what I want and left for Australia at that age.point 147 | ”point 154 | 1
Current Situation Of Anthony
He’s a 32 years old living with so many tattoos, piercings, black eyes, bumpy skin, and whatnot! To him, that’s pretty normal and the definition of normal for him.