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Man Brutally Assaulted For Telling Trans Women They Should Have ‘Female Private Parts’

sgsggg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Man Brutally Assaulted For Telling Trans Women They Should Have 'Female Private Parts'

A man received the worst bashing recently when he called out a group of trans women in London.


According to media reports, the man was beaten up for hurling some rather offensive comments at a group of trans women. And that’s when he claimed that they should have female genitalia.

The trio of trans women was reportedly drinking away when the 19-year-old confronted them. For whatever reason he deemed necessary, he said that they should have female private parts. But if you think that news would go down well with these 3 women, think again.


They bashed the living daylights out of the teen, leaving him brutally injured. He lay helplessly before bystanders attempted to rush him off to the nearest hospital.

Here are the latest updates on the story that might leave you in absolute awe.

trans women
Source: Metro

Trans women assault 19-year-old in London

Another day goes by and we hear about the great oppression faced by trans women around the globe. This story however might turn into a little shocker for you as in this case, the opposite took place.


3 trans women decided to teach one 19-year-old a lesson that he would remember for the rest of his life. And that meant calling him out for doing the unthinkable.

Drinking and laughing away, Tamzin Lush, Tylah-Jo Bryan, and Amarnih Lewis-Daniel all joined hands and showed how enough was enough. These ladies weren’t keen on listening to any rubbish or abuses being hurled at them. For this reason, they thought it was now time to stand up for themselves.


According to local media reports, these women went on attacking the man known as Al Shaheeb. But what did he say that angered the trans women to such an extent?

Source: Daily Mail

A lesson learned the hard way

The shocking incident took place at a famous Tube station in London, which is located near Leicester Square. One of the women, Tamzin Lush couldn’t control her emotions. The 19-year-old felt that these individuals weren’t really trans. They were pretending to be.


Certainly, it didn’t go down too well with all of them, and Lush was the first to boldly react.

Calling the incident a lesson that he would remember forever, she spoke about how this was inevitable.

On that note, she drop-kicked him till he fell down to the ground. And that was right before they all united for the bashing.

Source: The Irish Sun

Clearly, these women were under the influence of alcohol and hence didn’t even realize what they were doing.


By-standers to the rescue

Watching the horrifying crime-related incident unfold, bystanders tried their level best to break the two parties up. And in particular, one mum of 4, Hannah Bryan stepped in. While trying to prevent the fight from aggravating further, the mum then kicked the victim too, as reported by jurors in the court.


On that note, the victim referred to the mum as a ‘black cat’ who attempted to help end the fight first but then joined hands with the criminals.

Source: The Bridgehead

The jurors spoke about how the victim also went on racially abusing Hannah while refusing to give his side of the story to the police too. Hannah was the one who spoke about the disgusting remarks that the victim made. She also found it highly rude and offensive.


And that’s why she stepped in too. According to reports, the victim called the trans women out by saying, ‘You’re not women. You need a fanny to be a woman.” Today, news outlets claim that the assaulters didn’t receive any charges for the crime.


What are your thoughts on the story? Do you think the criminals should receive punishment for assault or not?

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