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Loyal Dog Grieves At Owner’s Car Crash Site For 18 Months, Refuses To Let Go

e18486e185aee1848ce185a6 2020 10 17t224516 476.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Loyal Dog Grieves At Owner’s Car Crash Site For 18 Months, Refuses To Let Go

You can never underestimate the power of a loyal dog.


And this tragic event is another great example of the above notion.

One loyal dog is going viral because he can’t accept the trauma of his owner’s death. After passing away in a car crash, this dog can’t handle the pain. Moreover, he refuses to let go. And that’s why he sits at the car crash site, every single day.


It’s been 18 months and still, there’s no sign of moving on. The incident was noticed by so many other people. Therefore, he’s getting a new home by locals, situated in the exact same spot.

Here’s the latest scoop on the heartfelt story that’s sure to leave you in tears.

loyal dog
Source: Bored Panda

40-year-old dog owner loses his life in a tragic car collision

According to local news reports, a 40-year-old dog owner, Haris, lost his life in a terrible car accident in 2017. The horrible collision between his car and a giant cement mixer gave many people chills.


The accident became the talk of the town, causing a stir amongst locals of the Old Ring Road area.

Meanwhile, news reports showed chilling evidence of how the dog owner lost his brother in a similar accident, just a few years ago.

Most importantly, it’s still not clear how both the brothers died in similar incidents, just years apart. And that’s exactly what makes this entire event more tragic.

Source: The Mirror

Loyal dog refuses to move away from the crash site

The fatal crash site is situated near the River Evinos. Likewise, it’s just a few miles away from Haris’s home in Nafpaktos. And that’s why his dog can’t seem to accept the bitter reality about his owner.


The dog, described by many as a modern-day Hachiko, mysteriously made his way to the fatal crash site himself. Reports suggest that he guided himself along the way. And that’s how strong his gut instincts are.

He loves spending his time in the exact same spot, claim locals. It’s almost as if he believes that Haris will return back, they claim.

Source: Gloucestershire Live

The Hachiko grieves for his owner on the roadside shrine. And it’s been more than one and a half years but there’s no sign of him leaving. No matter how many locals try to remove him or take him away, he still goes back.


Many people fear that it’s not safe for him to sit on the roadside. And they’re pulling out all efforts to create a new home and loving family for him.

Source: Vosges Matin

Locals give up on removing ‘stubborn dog’ from the crash site

From food and toys to other expert tricks- there’s nothing that can motivate this loyal dog from moving. And it’s come to the point where they are practically giving up.


From the looks of it, this stubborn pup just doesn’t want to abandon this spot. Moreover, he seems content and comfortable, despite the fact that it’s been 18 months.

And to assist in the entire ordeal, locals plan to give him a surprise. Yes, they’re going to build him a new home, in the exact same location.

Source: Bored Panda

This roadside shelter is going to be his new residence. Other than that, they’re already taking good care of him via food and water, But this is one beautiful gesture.


Today, he’s popularly referred to as the famous ‘Greek Hachiko.’ And that’s in honor of the renowned Akita.

There seems to be no end to the countless tales about canines and their enduring love for owners. And it’s needless to say, this is one of them.


For more beautiful animal stories, don’t forget to check out our article Brave Dog Saves Owner From Disasterous House Fire.