Categories: AnimalsDaily Top 10

Closer Look At One Of The World’s Most Unique Protests In South Korea

South Koreans eat dog meat at a recent protest that sparked outrage around the world.


Dogs are indefinitely man’s best friend. From their furry coats to their adorable poses, these creatures are in a world of their own. For this reason, you’ll adore their innocent glance and that friendly nature too. But what if we told you about the most horrifying news out there in the world about these furry friends?


You might need to take a deep breath because this news is definitely not for the faint-hearted. According to media sources, South Koreans made headlines when live footage of eating dog meat went viral. It was not only horrifying beyond belief, the activity left so many confused.


Here are the latest updates from the story that has animal lovers in tears.

Source: Unilad

South Koreans eat dog meat

Why in the world would Koreans eat dog meat, now that’s a question on plenty of people’s minds. And we were just as curious as you. Recently, dog farmers decided to stage a protest. And that protest revolved around showing the world that they had every right to eat a delicacy that many would never imagine.


On that occasion, they began boiling dog meat in front of hundreds. Clips and images of the tragic behavior went viral in no time. And that’s when the world witnessed the unthinkable. How could anyone kill a dog to fulfill their bizarre cravings? That’s another question that many ask till today.

Source: The Guardian

Activists express dismay

As the news spread to all corners of not only the nation but the world, activists simply couldn’t handle it. Above all, the South Koreans eat dog meat incident became dubbed as ‘dog meat day’ too. How’s that for unbelievable?


To add more fuel to the fire, the farmers held their protest right outside of the assembly. According to news agencies that covered the event, the farmers simply had one thing in mind. And that revolved around their right to consume Gaegogi- the boiled meat delicacy.


Decked up in bright red bandanas, alongside the ‘fight’ and ‘unity’ slogans, these people were on a mission of a new kind. Moreover, they felt the need to taunt activists who called them out. And for them, there was no better way to get their message across than this.

Source: Al Jazeera

The dreadful campaign goes viral

If you think protesters would sit down quietly, you might need to think again. The campaign had a lot of models of dead dogs that came accompanied with giant signs. They read “How many millions of dogs should die before this dog meat ends.”


Just last year, the country passed a law that banned Koreans eat dog meat incidents like these. Therefore, that meant no slaughtering of dogs too. Unfortunately, they failed at making that illegal. And in the end, it was a sheer disappointment on their part.


Yes, many critics explain how the country’s loophole led to incidents like these today. It’s the main reason why dog farmers are taking incidents like these into their own hands.

Source: Unilad

Campaigners have their say

With such a daunting incident on the rise, it’s no surprise that campaigners keep raising their voices. They feel authorities need to do more when it comes to killing dogs and cats for meat. For this reason, their protests’ theme is simple. Put a complete ban and make the masses happy.


On average, around one million dogs get consumed each year. And it’s sad to say that the figures keep increasing. Boiling dog meat is a tradition that’s hundreds of years old. If we don’t act now, we may soon see man’s best friend getting endangered too.

Source: Unilad


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