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A Young Mother Is Unable To Overcome The Grief Of Her Little Daughter’s Death Even After So Many Years

32-year-old Natasha Azadi lost her daughter many years ago when a fireplace in her house fell over her 4-year-old.


Source: The Sun

Jessica Azadi was helping her mother in the renovation of their house on September 9, 2016, when the fireplace of her house fell over her and caused several injuries. The little girl lost her life due to the accident. Her mother still lives in that same house and cries for her young girl. Jessica was the only child of her parents.

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The resident of Thornaby told in an interview that her life fell into pieces after her daughter’s death.point 230 |


Child loss is one of the most dreadful things for a parent, and this experience has changed her a lot.point 83 | Proclaiming about Jessica, Natasha elaborated that her little girl was a perfect child who could light up a room just with her laugh and was so full of life.point 212 | 1


People thought Natasha had moved on, but she has not and still feels depressed whenever she thinks about her only daughter. Her life has lost its purpose and meaning after Jessica died. Natasha is living in the same home as it has all the memories associated with Jessica, and it makes her feel like she is still with her.

Source: The Sun

Natasha is a private maternity nurse and is writing a book ‘Grit’ which will come out in 2022. She is planning to have another child in 2022 as well. Last year in summer, the grieved mother set up her own Instagram profile to help people suffering from similar circumstances.

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Source: Facebook

The death of a loved one can change the life of a person completely.point 170 | Some people overcome the loss in a couple of days or months, but the pain stays there for many years.point 252 |


Take care of the people you love as they will not stay with you forever, and you’ll regret not loving them as much as you should, once they leave you.point 127 | Spare some time to spend with your family every day, no matter how hectic your daily routine is.point 206 |


 Share this article with people around you.point 38 | 1

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