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James Charles Sparks Outrage Cradling Baby Bump In New ‘Pregnancy’ Photo Shoot

sdgsgsg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - James Charles Sparks Outrage Cradling Baby Bump In New 'Pregnancy' Photo Shoot

James Charles is a man that truly needs no introduction whatsoever but his recent stunt shocked the world.


From millions of fans on YouTube to a famous celeb social gathering too- some people can’t get enough. With time, many of us do see the star enter and exit the headlines. And this next incident is a prime example of this notion.

Recently, James Charles sent plenty of fans and followers in a frenzy when he released a plethora of images that comprised of him cradling his baby bump. Many couldn’t believe that the star was pregnant and hid such news from social media for months.


However, anger and outrage sparked when they found out the real truth of the matter. James Charles was not pregnant. In fact, he faked his pregnancy for a viral photoshoot, which he deemed was a prank.

Here are the latest updates on the startling affair that has many in awe.

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Source: Yahoo News

James Charles faces mega backlash for a pregnancy photoshoot

Without a doubt, this social media sensation did a lot of creative stunts to gain viewership and give fans a startle.point 265 |


But his recent stunt on TikTok left so many people shocked to the core.point 58 | What was going on? James Charles was pregnant all of a sudden but the real truth was far from that.point 138 | 1

Surprisingly, he caught so many people off guard with his fake pregnancy prank where he posed nude to startle so many. According to media reports, this was all for his recent video which was called ’24 hours of being pregnant.’


But if you think people were happy about the idea or would praise him for tricking them, well, you might need to rethink that notion.

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Source: Papermag

One video that changed it all

The word backlash would clearly be an understatement in this case.point 304 |


Over the weekend, James Charles teased his fans with a nude picture, alongside a prosthetic baby bump.point 86 | Certainly, he never meant to hurt people’s feelings but indirectly, he did.point 156 | The star wasn’t thinking straight with the prank clearly.point 211 |


And that is one of the many reasons why so many burst into flames after hearing that the news was for his new video, ’24 hours being pregnant!’point 128 | 1

Source: Yahoo News!

In the video, Charles carries out a series of tasks that his friend gave him. And one of the biggest ones included riding inside a car and feeling stimulated contractions. Yikes, how’s that for some insane creativity.


While the star may have started off his video with a disclaimer about how he never intended to make fun of pregnant people or show any forms of insensitivity, it didn’t work out well in the end.

Social media responds to fake pregnancy stunt

Many took to social media, especially Twitter to raise their concerns over the appalling video. Some criticized him for making fun of pregnant women and the great challenges they go through. On the other hand, others thought he displayed great insensitivity about the complications that some females face like unable to conceive.

Source: Shutterstock

While the comments that rang up underneath his image were plenty, some outspoken ones included the following:


“To pretend that you’re pregnant where are women who cannot be.”

“This is actually grossly offensive for all women as a whole.”

In the same way, many accused him of taking a dig at famous star Halsey who recently suffered from a miscarriage due to a medical condition.


Caught in the public eye

As a prominent social media influencer, this beauty YouTuber tried his fair share of stunts across the board. We agree that nothing was as jaw-dropping as this extra affair. Still, we thought it would be a neat idea to go down memory lane.

Source: Instagram

In the past, viewers left feeling stunned when this YouTuber apparently went bald. But this prank was on a whole new level altogether.


Currently, Charles and his team failed to respond to any comments and concerns regarding the backlash. However, he did declare that some portions of the video’s proceeds will go towards charity.


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