Let’s be honest, this lockdown has affected extroverts way more deeply than it has to introverts hence the internet is breaking down with introvert memes.
It’s like a holiday season for introverts. A cup of their favorite tea or coffee, books, and laptops, all cozy and lazy, and having to meet no person, no need to socialize.
On top of that, actually having a reason for canceling plans, not making plans in the first place, all of this what the introverts needed anyway. We have so many quarantine introvert memes that are just hilarious and to the point for introverts.
If you have a sibling who’s an introvert, they too are going to just love these memes so don’t forget to share our links with your cousins and friends as well as siblings. Down below are some of our personal favorite quarantine introvert memes that you are going to find just as amusingly funny as we did.
When you know only one person at the party because you are an introvert

You know you’re an introvert when you’d rather stay at home than go to a party and socialize with people.point 270 |
We’re not talking people you don’t know but introverts love not-meeting even the people they know for ages.point 102 | Yes, that includes cousins and friends too.point 139 | 1
So when you have to somehow, sometime go to a party, you look like this koala who’s just physically, mentally and emotionally attached to your one favorite person who’s the reason behind bringing you to the party, anyway.
And when they disappear, you feel like a 10-year-old who has lost their mama in a busy super-store.
And you question ‘Why would you do that’?
One of the cons of being in lockdown at home for introverts is the calls they get. To be honest, when you can text, why call? Introverts hate this and here’s an introvert meme with the exact expressions they make when they get a call.
This introvert cow surely needs some ‘me time’
You know you’re a hard-core introvert when you cancel plans just to spend some time at home with yourself or your cat. This introvert meme is so accurate that it made us laugh out loud.
You won’t help but crack your ribs by laughing after seeing these funny COVID memes
The best of highly relatable introvert memes
In all seriousness, introverts are really good at not oversharing and hence they never end up disappointed in people. Whereas extroverts are sharing every inch of detail of every inch of an event or something that’s going on in their life.
They just can’t keep their mouth shut. So here’s a cool introvert meme to make you happy if people make fun of you for being an introvert. Show these to the extroverts and they’ll nod in agreement.
This is how they act in public vs private
This introvert meme is super cute. Dumbo has to be the introverts’ favorite cartoon character. So here’s a Dumbo-Introvert meme to make you smile!
And you are praying in your heart they don’t see you
Our personal favorite meme is this cat hiding behind the car like a human. That’s exactly how all introverts do when they see someone they know in public. Not going to lie, it’s some of us extroverts too.
Only when we feel like we ain’t looking good, though. Other times, nope, that’s just you like this kitty hiding behind anything and everything just to avoid contact with people you may know.
When you need your space 24/7
We don’t know who invented this gadget but this is by far the best one for introverts. This is going to work just perfect especially now that it’s COVID-19 all over the place and people really be not following the 6 feet rule.
Just wear this around your back and this giant plastic circle will keep all the people away from you. Heck, they won’t even try to reach you for a hug or a handshake. How cool is this for Corona Season though?
We hope you enjoyed these introvert memes and do let us know which one you liked the most. We will keep bringing more awesome memes. Extroverts, don’t be too happy, we got memes ON you too.