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Illegal Immigrant Brothers in US Raped Family Friend’s Minor Daughter

gasgdasg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Illegal Immigrant Brothers in US Raped Family Friend's Minor Daughter

Chaos has erupted on social media as the news of two twin brothers in their thirties rapping a 10-year old girl has gone viral.


People are getting angry and devastated by the fact that they were family friends of the victim.

As per the police department, three brothers whose immigration status is illegal to have raped a 10-year old girl in Kenner, Louisiana last Wednesday. According to NY Post, the girl was all alone in her home and her family was out somewhere. The family left the three brothers, all in their thirties, with the girl. They for sure thought she was safe with them as they all were family friends.


What really happened to the minor girl?

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Talking to the media, the police officers disclosed the sad state of affairs.point 213 |


As per them, as soon as the family left, the men started advancing towards her sexually.point 73 | She declined at first but then they offered her some money.point 122 | Meanwhile, the third and youngest brother was not there as he was in some other part of the house.point 202 | 1


The girl ran towards her room locking herself in the washroom. She was very afraid of these men and just looking for a place to hide to save her from any harm. The brothers followed her there in her room and unlocked the door with a butter knife.

Upon reaching her, they grabbed her and undressed her. Then all of them overcame her and sexually assaulted her. The twin brothers’ names are Raul and Wilmer Paz Perez.


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Who are these filthy brothers & how do they know the family?

These were 3 brothers, Elder, Raul, and Wilmer Paz Perez. The police are accusing Elder of raping the stepsister of the 10-year old girl. Right now, both Raul and Wilmer are behind the bars and are giving conflicting statements to the cops.


Elder, however, is on the run and the police department is doing its best to find it. The cops request the public to let them know if they see Elder anywhere. Lt. Michael Cunningham said he does not know where Elder is right now, he may be out of the states. However, we are trying hard to locate him.


Shockingly, Elder is the boyfriend of a 10-year old’s mother and he was living with the family. Though there are a total of 4 children in the house, a stepsister, and two other siblings.

How did the police come to know about the assault?

Days later this happened, the girl told some relative of what happened when she was alone in the house. The relative called the police and the cops investigated everyone. They captured both brothers, as Elder was missing, and arrested them on first-degree rape charges without bail.


Upon investigation, officers found some disturbing information as the siblings spoke too. According to the 15-year old elder sister of the 10-year old minor, she also got raped by Elder a few years earlier. Both brothers gave conflicting statements about what they were doing at the time of the alleged rape.


The cops are on to finding the third brother so they can probe him too. According to the officials, both elder brothers were living in the states illegally. They will now face consequences for breaking the law and living illegally too. However, the immigration status of Elder Paz-Perez is not known so far.


We request all to inform the cops as soon as they see Elder anywhere so the minor can get justice. You can contact the Kenner Police at (504) 712-2222 or Crimestoppers at (504) 822-1111. The police have charged him with a second-degree rape case. We also send our prayers and hope for a bright future for the victims.