Categories: AnimalsDaily Top 10

‘Slight Tickle In Ear’ Leaves Man Horrified To Discover Huge Huntsman Spider In Headphones

hasf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 'Slight Tickle In Ear' Leaves Man Horrified To Discover Huge Huntsman Spider In Headphones

It was a rude awakening for one Australian resident who discovered a rather ‘giant’ huntsman spider in his headphones.


While the phobia of spiders is really daunting, imagine having a call that’s as close as this.point 84 | Moreover, that’s the sort of creepy vibes that this Australian citizen endured.point 158 | Can life get any more terrifying? Well, for now, it’s a spider that’s making headlines for obvious reasons.point 260 |


And that’s especially true when you think about that video that went viral a few years back.point 82 | For those who don’t remember, let’s refresh those old memories.point 148 | 1

A couple of months back. we witnessed the eight-legged creature gobbling up a whole possum! How insanely creepy is that? Meanwhile, social media had a ball, sharing a rather fascinating ordeal with thousands of others. Who knew a spider had the capacity of doing so much or even enough mouth opening for a catch like that?


Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. These huntsman spiders are truly a world far apart from all others. And that’s exactly what makes Olly’s encounter all the more intriguing. Here’s the latest update on the man whose ear tickle is making others cringe to the core.

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Source: Diaz HUB

One ear tickle leads to an overwhelming discovery

The horrifying situation left him scared to the core.point 201 |


Moreover, he never imagined how a slight tickle in the ear would prove this terrifying.point 73 | Olly Hurst says that when he put on his noise-canceling headphones, something didn’t seem right.point 161 | He described it as a ‘tickle.point 191 | ’ As he went on to remove them, he discovered the unthinkable.point 248 |


It was not only any other spider, it was the biggest Huntsman spider, tucked away cozily in his headphones.point 89 | Therefore, he explained how it was nothing less than a major nightmare.point 149 | 1

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Source: Olly Hurst via ABC Perth/Facebook

Strange moments call for picture-perfect memories

Making every attempt possible to record the terrifying ordeal, Olly attempted to remove the giant creature.point 421 |


However, it looked quite comfortable at its new home.point 45 | As you can see in his social media clip, he exclaims how he felt something was off.point 112 | Slowly but surely, he focuses his camera upon the giant eight-legged monster.point 178 | And that’s when he says out loud, ‘Hmm, Nasty!’point 235 | 1


The citizen from Perth shared the rather shocking video through his Instagram account. He captioned it as, ‘Spider time.’ Furthermore, the video managed to excite hundreds. It also went viral across the board. There were plenty of people leaving comments such as surprised remarks over his new discovery.

Source: Unilad


The internet responds to the uprising of the Huntsman spider and the reactions are hilarious

One commenter went as far as writing, ‘Christ this is your worst ever nightmare!’ On the other hand, another exclaimed, ‘Omg you’re so lucky that you noticed that.’ Another commenter went on empathizing with Olly as she also had a recent encounter with a similar species.


While these giant beings may appear daunting and as creepy as can be, they aren’t as bad as they appear. And that’s because they aren’t really harmful as explained by a post via the Australian Museum. Yes, they contain venom and bites can cause ill effects but that’s just about it.

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Source: Olly Hurst via ABC Perth/Facebook

What would you do in such a situation?

Now that the spider and headphones incident seems to be keeping plenty of readers on a red alert, the world is pouring in ideas on what they would do in such circumstances.point 308 |


Other than that, some are going to extremes in explaining what they would actually do under such a situation.point 91 | Likewise, they’re explaining any similar encounters of their past.point 155 | But nothing seems to be as daunting as this Huntsman spider incident.point 213 | 1


Just the thought of that spider getting cozy in your ear is cringing as it is. We’re just glad this citizen is ok, and finding plenty of amusement with his incident.


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