Categories: DIYLife

How To Fix A Zipper: 5 Brilliant Hacks For The Easiest Repair

Whether you accept it or not, there are only a handful of outfits that we all love to rock.


Likewise, no matter how stocked our wardrobe maybe, some pieces are evergreen and we simply can’t get enough. And when they fit seamlessly, allotting you with a look for days, there’s simply no turning back. But what do you do when your favorite outfit falls apart? Yes, we’re referring to a little wear and tear and how to fix a zipper-type of feels.

Anyone that has ever felt the pain of a zipper break knows exactly what we’re talking about. It’s like the worst feeling in the world, especially when you’ve got to rush yet look amazing.


You’re in luck, as we are here to help you save that zipper. And these stellar hacks are the easiest solution for the quickest repair.

Source: YouTube

Separated zippers- classic how to fix a zipper technique

Who knew pliers could make all the difference in the world? Yes, when it comes to separated zippers, there’s simply no reason to break a sweat. Simply, place your split zipper upon a table, while making sure its teeth are clean from any debris or thread.


Now, place some soapy water in a bowl. Next, dampen a cloth and run that over your zipper’s teeth, several times. Finally, use a plier to squeeze the zipper’s bottom so that the teeth lock up better. Once the zipper stops splitting, you’re good to go.

Source: The Family Handyman

Zippers without bottom teeth

Next comes another common problem. Zipper without bottom teeth are in a dimension of their own, and that’s exactly why we’ve got a unique solution for you.


Firstly, put that broken zipper on a countertop or flat surface. Next, loosen up your zipper’s metal stop with the help of pliers, until it comes off.

Now, take that metal stop, placing it at the location where you see missing teeth. Finally, use your pliers to tighten the end so that it turns into your zip’s new bottom.

Source: Treehugger

Jammed zippers aren’t the end of the world

Stuck or jammed zippers might be an emergency but they’re just as easy to fix. Above all, you’ll be surprised at how basic the tools are.


So for jammed zippers, graphite pencils work great. Yes, you heard that right. The idea is to free the zip from its fixed position, and this hack does pure justice.

For the graphite pencil trick, simply clear your zip of anything that’s stuck in between. Next, apply the pencil’s lead through the teeth, moving in a vertical direction. Now, try moving your zip, up and down. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Source: YouTube

Super stuck zippers call for a little lubrication fun

As far as soap water is concerned, the concept behind its use relates to its lubricating effects. And by running a cotton bud, dipped in soap water, over your stuck zipper, you’ll relieve it completely.


Can life get any simpler?

Source: The Spruce

Closed zippers with broken sliders

What do you do if your outfit’s zip is missing its slider? Does it mean you need to discard it altogether?


Absolutely not and that’s because it’s not that big of a deal when you’ve got a hack like this one in store. Simply, grab your sharpest pliers and work your way through the metal stops and the zipper’s top teeth.

Likewise, place that broken slider at the zipper’s top while fixing it with tape, and keep going till that slider touches the teeth. Now, as soon as the first few teeth come into contact, remove the tape gently. Keep moving until the slider manages to make its way towards the zipper. How’s that for a classic how to fix a zipper trick?

Source: Throwback at Trapper Creek

These how-to-fix zipper tips and tricks cover the most common broken zipper problems. And we’re sure they’ll be as handy for you as they were for others.



For more fabulous DIY tips, don’t forget to check out our article 9 Cleverly Userful Repurposed Dresser Ideas For Effective Storage.