There is a cat hiding in the bookshelves and it’s your turn to figure out where did it go!
This mind-boggling puzzle is stumping the internet as we speak and one close look at the puzzle will totally make you understand why. Now, if you think the little creature is camouflaged, think again because it’s definitely somewhere there. And we can’t wait to see how quickly our viewers can find it.
Created by a pet owner himself, he thought it would be interesting to get the internet active on some healthy hunting. After all, what better way to test the eyes and the mind than this right?
Okay, so we’ve put the answer for you towards the end but please don’t cheat because there’s simply no fun in that ok!
Do let us know where you stand and how you did because we’d love to hear your feedback regarding the puzzle. And in case you find it fun, don’t forget to share the article with other friends and loved ones for a wonderfully cheeky pass time and fun! Happy viewing!
The Puzzle
Many are finding it really hard to figure out where the camouflaged creature went in this viral image. So now it’s your turn! Look carefully and try harder before peeking at the solution, towards the end! Hint, it’s definitely harder than it seems but for eagle-eyed viewers, the answer is just a close stare away!

The Solution
Okay, enough with the suspense. The little creature is hidden near the television and the furry paws explain it all! Wow, that wasn’t so hard after all, or maybe not!
So how did you do? Were you able to find the furry little creature who can’t seem to stay put in one place? Let us know in the comments section!
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