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HIV Positive Man Pleads Guilty To Sex With 19 Women Without Disclosing Health Status

hagdg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - HIV Positive Man Pleads Guilty To Sex With 19 Women Without Disclosing Health Status

One HIV-positive man recently pleaded guilty to having sex with multiple women, despite his infectious condition.


According to reports, the Nashville native had sex with multiple partners. Moreover, none of them knew about his health status. Therefore, the 41-year-old will now suffer behind bars for his cruel intentions as his victims pay a hefty price.


Termed as one of the leading causes of death and sexually transmitted infections in the world, HIV is deadly. Hence, for anyone to engage in unprotected sex, despite knowing the effects, is truly insane.

It’s no wonder why this 41-year old HIV-positive man received charges for his alleged actions. Here are more haunting details surrounding his scary sexual encounters.

HIV-positive man
Source: The Tennessean

Nashville native does the unthinkable

A native citizen from Nashville engaged in sex with multiple partners. Moreover, he chose to hide his condition so that his women wouldn’t say no. However, now, Danny Perry will face some serve consequences of his actions.


Danny had sex with women from all over the country. Reports confirmed that they weren’t only from Tenessee. They also arose from a number of other southern states. But how did authorities find out in the first place?

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Source: News Channel 5

Police say charges can increase if more victims come forward

Police confirmed how the charges on Perry aren’t finalized yet.point 415 |


And that’s because they’re still waiting for more victims to come forward.point 75 | As far as how did authorities find out, well, some of the partners tested positive too.point 147 | For that reason, they went over and filed a complaint against him.point 202 |


But these are just a handful of the people he slept with.point 46 | 1

Authorities expect more victims to press charges against him. And on that note, they will have to pursue more charges against the HIV-positive man.

On the other hand, one of his first victims, Marvelyn Brown delivered a witness testimony. Moreover, she explained how this was probably one of the most difficult experiences of her life.


She claims that it was even further than when she actually tested positive for the illness in 2003.

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Source: The Tennessean

Harrowing details of the HIV-positive man

Brown went on to explain how she looked Perry in the eye.point 284 |


She expressed her fury at how she must take 7 pills for the rest of her life.point 61 | It’s his fault that she has this condition.point 103 | However, she’s a fighter with true spirit.point 145 | Moreover, she’s not ashamed of her condition and will battle through it.point 212 | 1


On the other hand, she won the award for the 2008 best-selling book, ‘Naked Truth.’ Here, she referred to the man that infected her with HIV as ‘prince charming.’ And that as we now know is Perry, himself.

She went on to explain how she was once a victim. But today, it’s a whole different ballgame altogether. She is a victor because she feels she got the justice she deserves.

Source: Facebook

Perry- a softball coach with devil intentions

Brown met Perry when he was the head coach for a softball team. Moreover, he played the sport for years and was actually a real pro. But how did someone so talented in one field, decide to play with other people’s lives?


Prosecutors say that Perry, despite being married, infected one of his softball mates. However, she explains how the 41-year-old never told her about his infective condition. Unfortunately, she found out the hard way, like Brown.

Source: Facebook

In 2016, she tested positive and says Perry acting surprised. But the real truth was that he knew all along that he was the transmitter. He received treatment for the condition for years. Still, he chose not to disclose it to others. Today, Perry is suffering the effects of his actions.


He is guilty of criminal exposure and assault. Hence, he will serve a sentence of 6 years in state prison.


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