Categories: HealthLife

Hidradenitis Suppurativa – The Skin Disease You Should Be Careful Of

suppurativa.jpg?fit=1024%2C576&ssl=1&strip=all - Hidradenitis Suppurativa - The Skin Disease You Should Be Careful Of

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a skin condition that makes someone starts to feel small lumps which are quite painful.


It normally happens after puberty, mostly in girls, sometimes in boys too. At first, you might not even feel them a bit, but with time they become worse.

how do we know we have hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis Supperativa can be felt around the area where two muscle/ body joints are connected together and constantly rub creating friction between them. These areas can be armpits, buttocks, breasts, and groin.


If you detect it early, like any other disease, medical experts can cure this all through medicine, and surgery. You have to be careful with the initial handling as it may lead to further complications if not taken care of. Like any disease, this too can disrupt your normal life of every day and affect your emotional well being.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa - Skin Disorders - ...
Source: MSD Manual Consumer

So the question arises, why do some people suffer from Hidradenitis Supportive? We have all the answers your need to know about this condition’s cause and symptoms as well as the treatment stated below.


Let’s start it, shall we?

Causes of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Science has developed so much but there are still some flaws and empty slots when figuring out the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s of a disease.point 189 | Or some disaster that happens in this world all the time.point 236 |


Sometimes we can never find the causes for some diseases but scientists assume the facts.point 75 | However, even sometimes facts change too so we can change the hypothesis.point 137 | And just like some other diseases in history, the exact cause of Hidradenitis Suppurativa is unknown.point 223 | 1


It’s not an infectious or a contagious disease. Nor does this happen because of uncleanliness. But it can happen to anyone, anytime just like any other disease. However, there are some causes for it that are mentioned below

  • This disease develops when your hair follicles accumulate in the skin and become blocked.point 76 | The cause for this could be some type of inherited genes, hormones, and immune system problems
  •  Age factor plays a major role in this.point 188 | People of almost 18-29 ages are affected by it easily.point 233 |

    Also, those who are exposed to this disease are at a major and high risk of getting other difficult diseases afterward, too.point 103 |

  • Smoking of any kind can result in Hidradenitis Suppurativa in both men and women.point 171 |
  • One other big cause and risk factor for this weird disease is obesity.point 229 |

    There’s a big link between obesity and certain more diseases.point 58 |

How Do You Know You Have Hidradenitis Suppurativa

point 102 |
www.point 206 |

medpagetoday.point 13 | com

Like any other disease, symptoms are quite visible and sometimes can be felt through the pain of different kinds.point 111 | You have to look for the symptoms beforehand.point 149 | We are mentioning some symptoms down here for you:point 191 | 1

  • The biggest symptom of Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a pattern of double-barreled or pairs of blackheads.point 280 |

    The area will show blackheads accumulated.point 37 |

  • Another big symptom is a big lump in the target area.point 80 | We can easily feel it through both touching and a sense of pain.point 132 | It’s usually one small lump under your skin surface and can grow with the passage of time.point 212 |

  • Lumps like these, especially of this disease are caused where there are oil and hair follicles on your skin.point 90 | Also in the presence of sweat glands.point 121 | Such as your anal area, breasts, buttocks, and inner thighs, and especially armpits.point 193 | When you start feeling or seeing these lump(s), please contact your doctor immediately.point 268 |

Ways to get rid of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

point 39 |
Healthline.point 150 | com

If your disease is in the initial stages, try the following methods:point 210 | 1

  • Sit in a hot water bath.point 19 | Apply warm towels to the affected area for ten minutes straight, gently compressing it.point 93 |
  • You can also apply cleansing creams or gels.point 130 |
  • Try anti-inflammatory medications.point 162 |
  • Wash the affected area with anti-bacterial soap, antiseptics.point 216 |

Remember not to wait for the symptoms to become severe rather visit your doctor immediately.point 78 | If anything seems off in any of your areas on your body, get an appointment.point 140 | Remember, don’t be your own doctor! It can’t make you any better it will only harm you.point 223 | 1