Categories: EntertainmentLife

We Bet You Didn’t Know These Movies Had Hidden Disney Easter Eggs

eerrr.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - We Bet You Didn't Know These Movies Had Hidden Disney Easter Eggs

Hidden Disney Easter eggs exist in some brand new movies but they’re also prevalent in some wonderful classics.


The greatness of films has to do with some magical ingredients that set up the stage for absolute bliss. In case you’re wondering what those things may be, well, you’ve got the storyline or script, the actors, and of course a magical setting. Amongst the best, you can’t forget about giant movie studios such as Disney as well as Pixar. These houses always manage to deliver on time, giving you some fabulous things to look forward to.


While the brand new Disney Easter eggs are easy to miss, hence we advise you not to be surprised with any of these mentions. So let’s take a look!

Sleeping Beauty and Tangled- a hidden phenomenon

disney easter eggs
Source: Viral Nova

Did you know that you could actually find the spinning wheel from Sleepy Beauty in Rapunzel’s tower? Yes, just head on towards this particular scene from the movie Tangled and see where it stands. We certainly didn’t see this one coming, but we hope you did!


Flynn Rider and Rapunzel- a surprise worth mentioning

disney easter eggs
Source: Viral Nova

Flynn Rider with Rapunzel had to make an appearance together because that’s what magical dreams are made of in the world of fiction. Think along the lines of a star studded appearance at Elsa’s coronation from the movie Frozen.


Did you get a glimpse of Tiana and Naveen because their attendance matters

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Source: Viral Nova

When it came to the guest list, there were a number of fictional characters worth a mention.point 254 |


But we certainly hope you didn’t miss out on Tiana and Naveen who made the whole situation worthwhile too.point 94 | On that note, we’d like to mention that the more familiar faces in attendance, the merrier.point 176 | 1

Mike Wazowski- a gem from Monsters Inc.

Source: Viral Nova

This hidden Disney Easter egg are what magical surprises are all about. So many fans failed to notice the decadance that surrounds the Monsters Inc star who appeared in all his glory as a tiny figure in the movie Frozen.


Hans From Frozen- hidden Disney Easter eggs

Source: Pinterest

During the infamous Big Hero 6, Frozen’s famous character Hans appeared in a wanted poster. Can you spot him because we certainly had trouble at locating him at a glimpse.


A Mickey Mouse doll- we weren’t expecting this

Source: Pinterest

You cetainly don’t ever imagine witnessing a mickey mouse doll in a modern day movie like Frozen. But again, we were wrong as the makers proved they could do anything. And if that means camouflaging the extra detail from many people’s eyesight, then so be it.


Rapunzel- the book’s copy appears in Charlotte’s room

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Source: Pinterest

For those who aren’t aware, Charlotte is from the famous Disney movie The Princess and The Frog.point 260 |


Therefore, when it came to finding a copy of the titled book Rapunzel, viewers couldn’t help but notice it lying in Charlotte’s room.point 123 | Were you able to spot the clue because we certainly didn’t see it at first.point 190 | 1

A shadow that means so much

Source: Viral Nova

Very rare do many recognize that shadows carry their own significance. Therfore, one of the best examples has to do with the shadow from the Princess and the Frog who looked very similar to Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas. Do you agree or are the makers daydreaming?


Tick- Tock- more Disney Easter eggs

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Source: FindingMickey.point 151 | com

Were you able to find the famous Peter Pan crocodile? In case you answered no, we were all stuck on another aspect.point 248 |


The Goofy movie concert had alot of backstage activity related to Peter Pan’s crocodile.point 81 | And in the end, we simply couldn’t process what he was doing there.point 142 | Nevertheless, with a tricky aspect like that, Disney definitely deserves a pat on the back.point 219 | 1



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