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8-Year-Old Healthy Schoolgirl Dies From Stroke After Battling 2 Hour Fight To Stay Live

sssssssssf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 8-Year-Old Healthy Schoolgirl Dies From Stroke After Battling 2 Hour Fight To Stay Live

This healthy schoolgirl dies from stroke story has the world in tears.


Just when you thought illnesses such as stroke were restricted to the older age group comes a tale that has plenty stunned. According to sources, an innocent and happy go lucky girl lost her life at school. Meanwhile, her dad is explaining why this story has him shocked to the core.


The fact that the little angel seemed ‘very healthy’ and happy is beyond comprehendible. How and why did this scenario take place. Moreover, how did she lose the battle against life? Her are more harrowingly tragic details that are making plenty of viewers speechless.

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Source: Daily Mirror

Elmira Bondarenko- healthy schoolgirl dies tragically at school

Elmira Bondarenko is getting famous as the healthy schoolgirl dies suddenly, from a stroke at school.point 260 |


According to sources, the young girl passed away right after saying she felt ‘unwell.point 78 | ’ The incident reportedly took place in her village called Brailov, located in Central Ukraine.point 165 | 1

On the other hand, her father expressed how his little angel was ‘fine as well as happy.’ She left the home smiling and cheerful. The tragic incident took place, last week. And that’s when her father brought her to school last week. But little did he know that it would be the last time he would be doing so.

Source: Daily Mirror

Father explains how his daughter was ‘fine’

Suddenly, the father got a call from the school. Here, he explains the horror in the administrator’s voice as she explains how his daughter ‘felt sick.’ She never revealed how severe the situation was until he finally got there in person.


On the other hand, the little girl’s teacher complained about how she suffered from a severe headache. It was just minutes before she lost consciousness. The situation got from bad to worse as the teachers explain how they caught her in their arms.

Source: Euro Weekly News

At that point in time, the mentors knew that it was time to call the paramedics. They also kept the school nurse on standby as things didn’t seem to go down too well. The nurse started performing CPR on the child. But there was little to no response.


Soon, an aura of panic filled the air. Her father explains how he immediately ran towards his daughter’s school to see what was the matter.

Source: Daily Mirror

Heartbreaking moment when paramedics perform CPR

Despite their grave attempts to perform CPR, it didn’t seem that there was anything positive going on over here. Meanwhile, the father rushed to be by his daughter’s side. He did his absolute best to help but things were slowly slipping away quickly.


It was a tragic two-hour-long battle. Little Elmira strived on a table motionless. At that point in time, the room became filled with silence, Her heart simply couldn’t start to beat. From injections to defibrillators too, she remained unresponsive. And that meant it was soon time to call it quits. The poor soul died and it was too big of a shock.


When it came to taking the patient’s history, little Elmira never complained of headaches in the past. And that’s when her family doctor revealed how she was ‘perfectly fine.’ Moreover, every year, she went through a medical examination. She never had any health issues, whatsoever.

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Source: Daily Mirror

Post mortem examination revealed the unthinkable

When it was time to review the case, the post mortem results showed everything.point 227 |


Little Elmira died due to a clot in her brain.point 37 | Health experts suggest that the stroke may be triggered due to virus infection or maybe some form of exercise.point 129 | Yesterday, the heartbroken father arrived at the school to pick up his daughter’s belongings.point 215 |


This was just days after burying his offspring.point 40 | 1

A healthy schoolgirl dies from a stroke- it’s still shocking for many. But again, it truly tells us that life is so unpredictable


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