Every year there’s a new sort of beauty standard, to be very frank! With the up-rise in the beauty industry and cosmetology, people have started to legit BUY their faces now.
Hang Mioku is one of them! All we see among certain models is small noses, big lips, small waist, big hips.
You’ll be shocked to hear that the beauty standards don’t just stop at these four things. People get botox treatments to remove their wrinkles and to get rid of eye bags that aren’t even there! Some get plastic surgeries totally changing their appearances and it seems like nobody is happy with how they look, not at least the rich people or the models.
Safe to say, when you have so much money and you don’t know where to spend it and you’re not a ‘good’ person to think of different causes and charities in the world, you obviously go for your appearance.point 304 |
Changing face shapes, getting new sets of teeth, fillers, and whatnot is now the new norm of ‘rich’ people.point 101 | 1
Korean model Hang Mioku; A Story That Will Shock You
People have gone to all extremes to look a certain way.point 48 | Not going to lie when we say it’s mostly women who are dissatisfied with how they look even if the whole world tells them they’re pretty.point 172 | Unless you believe it yourself that you’re pretty, no one is going to think that you are.point 251 | 1
The same goes with the fact that unless and until you’re contented from the inside and happy with yourself with however you look, the whole world won’t be able to convince you that you’re pretty. It’s a war you have to win within; a war that Hang Mioku lost with herself.
Hang Mioku interview says: ” I had my first surgery at the age of 28. Unfortunately, I didn’t stop there. Safe to say it was actually my beginning.”
Hang Mioko 2019
The story of Hang Mioko 2019 went viral that year.point 165 | They say that she went to Japan to get another surgery.point 210 |
She actually just started living there to get procedures upon procedures to her face since nothing of ‘her choice’ was happening.point 121 | Consequently, Hang Mioko 2019 face became super enlarged and swollen due to the numerous operations.point 207 | 1
Hang Mioko 2020
Hang Mioko 2020 observation turned out that it was a psychological disorder she was facing. She was never going to be satisfied with her appearance no matter what she did. I mean have you see her before pictures though? She seems so pretty and amazingly gorgeous anyway, no wonder she became a model !!
Somehow people like her, as beautiful as her aren’t ever satisfied and it’s incomprehensible for us. She shocked her parents with her new face, almost unrecognizable. Hang Mioko started getting her psychiatry treatment. This wasn’t long until she met another surgeon who offered to give her a silicone injection on her face to make it ‘better’. Weirdly, the doctor gave her a syringe and silicone treatment for her to inject on her own.
Shocking News: Miss Korean faces look alike because they all underwent facial surgeries
When The Supply Ran Out
When the silicone ran out, Mioku started inserting cooking oil in her face.point 66 | Here’s a shocking photo of Hang Mioku after she started injecting herself with oil.point 142 | This news became viral and people sent donations for her to fix her face.point 202 |
Although it couldn’t be back, it still reduced the enormous size of her face anyway.point 76 | 1
Hang Mioku Interview
In an interview, Hang Mioku says ” I know it’s not possible but I wish I could just have my old face back. If I could tell one thing to myself I would say not to have obsession with how you look because we’re all uniquely pretty in our own ways.”
Hang Mioku’s story has saddened us but we don’t know whether to feel pity for her or not as she brought this on herself anyway.