Categories: Animal/PetsAnimals

Giant Hairy Sea Creature Found by Scientists in Philippines

The sea world has always been of vast and an in-depth study and observation for everyone, especially the scientists.


 From a giant hairy sea creature to small goldfish, scientists have found a whole horizon of diversity in it. Humans today like to believe that we have discovered and found every piece of land on this planet earth. But the sea world is so deep and super vast that we humans, still haven’t found a proper way to describe it fully.


In terms of creatures, the sea world is scary and uncertain. Even in terms of various plants, the water world always leaves everyone mesmerized. Back in 2017, a giant hairy sea creature came out of the sea from nowhere and left people wondering. This was not just a normal-looking animal/ fish but a giant hairy sea creature!


The first time this massive blob of hair and meat a.k.a giant hairy sea creature appeared was in the Philippines when an earthquake of 4.4 magnitude hit the coast. There were many sea creatures that appeared afterward such as the huge oarfish measuring about 30 ft long and big. But this one was huge and quite weird mainly because of the white blob of hair.


What could be this giant hairy sea creature?

point 37 |
Unilad.point 144 | co.point 147 | uk

The first assumption included the fact that it could be a mammoth of some kind or remnants of a mammoth.point 234 |


Others assumed it to be an octopus’s decay.point 42 | Some suggested to ‘dig it up’ and try pulling it from some way so they could know exactly what is underneath the surface.point 153 | Or is it just even a huge pile of garbage and trash all decayed and made into fossil somehow, gobbled up by a whale and then later thrown out on the shore.point 277 | 1


How eye-witnesses describe the giant hairy sea creature

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Unilad.point 155 | co.point 158 | uk

An eye-witness of this giant hairy sea creature posted some pix of it on her social media saying it looks like fur.point 254 |


But when she got a little closer to observe, she wrote that it looked like full of fur but it’s more like tubular.point 98 | It is as if a lot of tiny pipes hang down the carcass.point 140 | She further goes by calling it a really strange-looking creature.point 196 | She later added that they googled about the creature but couldn’t find anything like it anywhere on the internet world.point 302 | 1


One other observer reported that it looked like it came from the glaciers. People assumed it came on land from the Arctic side, and some even said it’s a giant squid! But the craziest suggestion was made by a man who said ‘Maybe it’s a globster.’ The eyewitnesses tried searching that up but found out that it had a tail but not like that of lobsters. No one has ever told that lobsters have a tail. So this was canceled out very quickly too.


What are Globsters?

Globsters are basically carcasses with no visible eyes or a prominent/ shaped head, no apparent bone structure.point 112 | These were first given this term in 1962 in Tasmania.point 156 | People who have never seen a globster in real life but have seen octopuses tend to assume globsters as octopuses.point 250 |


But scientists believe that globsters aren’t as hairy as this giant hairy sea creature that appeared out of nowhere.point 104 | And globsters are only remnants and carcasses of whales and sharks, as scientists have found out.point 186 | 1

What do scientists think of this wild creature?


Later scientists revealed that according to a report, the dead body was more like a Sea Cow or a Dugong. However, the research team calls it a whale or a Balynea, and BFAR also confirms it. If there is one thing they are uncertain about, it is that what kind of a whale species will it be?


Finally, the Verdict

We have come to a conclusion that will leave you satisfied by reading all the above info. This was a giant whale’s remnants. There you go! We hope you liked the article and enjoyed this tale of a giant hairy sea creature which now you know the reality of. Stay tuned for more fascinating information and knowledge! We will keep you updated