Categories: Animal/PetsLife

Furry Moths Exist And These Species Are As Cute As A Button

Just when you thought insects were as far as it gets when it comes to cute, here’s an array of furry moths to change your mind.


Unfortunately, moths don’t get the appreciation they deserve. On the whole, most people would rather have them vanish as compared to actually giving them a second glance. But wait, trends in the insect world are changing and so is people’s thinking.


While many experts term them as jeweled creations, here are some fascinating clicks that are guaranteed to make you smile. And trust us when we say that furry moths just might be trending as your next pet fetish. So let’s take a look!

Source: The Dodo

Jewel moths arise from a realm of their own

While the term jewel moths might make you anticipate shiny pearls or diamond glitz, the truth is far from that. Today, these species are actually referred to as Acraga Coa Moths.

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Source: National Geographic

On many occasions, people compare them to a caterpillar with the same name.point 188 | While they’re clearly not related, those are referred to as jeweled caterpillars.point 264 |


Oh and just for the record, these creatures don’t have any gold leaves beneath their wings.point 82 | Hence, we’d like to shun that rumor, there and then.point 131 | Nevertheless, can you get enough of that fur?point 169 | 1

Venezuelan poodle moths- popular furry bugs

These poodle moths are the hip new thing when it comes to the bug family. In the same way, the little critter gets compared with almost anything and everything. Yes, we kid you not on this one. Be it a Furby, Pokemon character, or even a gargoyle too- it’s amazing how great people’s imagination can be at times.

Source: My Modern Met

On a more serious note, these furry moths are so cute, you’d immediately want to cuddle them. And as you can probably expect from their names, they arise from the land of Venezuela. We’re talking about the Gran Sabana region, to be more specific.


Rosy maple critters- the cutest furry moths

Native to the North American lands, these moths may extend their existence towards the southern part of Canada too. Moreover, as you can tell by their name, they adore sucking on maple trees. But did you know that one of their greatest distinguishing features is their colorful appearance?

Source: Pinterest

Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t miss out on the characteristic aura, not to mention their cute furry coats too! While research continues on the importance of those colorful coats, scientists say that they may help in warding off predators.


Tolype Moth- fluffy insects take center stage

These moth species come in sizes that are much greater than you’d imagine a moth to be.

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Source: Pinterest

By active, we don’t necessarily mean in the form of eating.point 287 |


And that’s because you might be baffled to learn how adult species don’t eat at all.point 81 | Therefore, their main focus relies on one thing and that’s reproduction.point 149 | After all, someone needs to look after expanding the population.point 204 |


Another characteristic feature is how these insects adore feeding upon the leaves of fruit trees.point 83 | Common examples include apple, plum, apricot, and cherry too.point 136 | 1

Pink striped Oakworm moths- a true beauty

These pink striped beauties aren’t as complex as you might think, thanks to their uber long name.


These furry moths are actually a species of the silk moth variant. Commonly, you’ll find them living in the suburbs as well as woodland areas. Above all, they’re quite different from the norm. For instance, they prefer to mate in the daytime, while others do so at night.

Source: Butterflies and Moths North America

Unfortunately, they’re usually termed as pests for forests as they’re larvae defoliate trees.


We hope we’ve broadened your horizon regarding the world of moths. So the next time someone calls moths scary, you can always share these interesting facts.


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