We all can relate to having a craving for funny video clips or see funny stock photos to chirk up and unload the baggage of troubles we carry all day long.
On the contrary, it is not always possible to get your hands on such humorous content that can truly make your day.
Henceforth, in this blog, we have collected a couple of funny stock photos to help you with your long, tiring day in office. Keep scrolling down for the fun has just begun!
1- What in the world is she teaching them?
Okay, so this one may seem a little weird and scary to you but seriously does this seem like a valuable lesson for life to such young boys to you? Is she trying to teach them how to attempt suicide when you are sick of the dark clouds? This was funny to see though.
2- Wait, what? The funny stock photo that will leave you in tears of laughter
Just imagine how scared to death this cat is to see a real human being coming out of a laptop to use it while there is no one at home? Poor thing was just having a good peaceful day while her ‘masters’ were out until this shocking thing happened.
3- Will you ‘mewrry’ me?
This is the most adorable thing that will ever come across your eyes today on the internet. A cute little kitten is all geared up to propose her love to live with her for the rest of her life.
4- We throw graduation caps in the air but this?
We all have seen students throwing their graduation caps up in the air in joy but have you ever seen someone throw spaghetti in the air? What is she trying to do here? Free the spaghetti from the suffocating prison of ‘the bowl’?
5- The only kind of ‘discs’ people are interested in these days
Gone are the days when we used to drool over CDs to watch our favorite movie or play the best game ever. This is 2020 and people now more interested in ‘chicken discs’ than ‘computer discs’. This is one of our best funny stock photos ever.
OMG these bears were mistaken as dogs for their obvious adorable appearance
6- Oh I am sorry for your loss but ‘who’ killed him?
This list has a lot of funny stock photos and this probably is the best one so far.point 69 | Have you ever watched movies in which the girl who seems the most emphatic is basically the villain? This is how it is.point 166 | It is like you murder a guy and then go to his funeral saying sorry to his family and whisper to his dead body ‘Surprise!’.point 277 | 1
7- The New ‘Mewtanic’ movie starring ‘Cat Winslet’
This picture should bag the most funny stock photos award of 2020! Reminding us of ‘Titanic’, this is the sequel of the movie called ‘Mewtanic’ starring Cat Winslet as the main lead.point 356 |
Will ‘Meonardo DeCaterio’ be able to save her love or fail just like the original movie?point 85 | 1
8- A ‘Hybrid’ Banana?
Is this the result of ‘evolution’ or some food scientist has tried to make a hybrid of a banana and pepperoni? Whatever it is, nobody would like to buy it for this is not only weird but a little disgusting too!
9- A chicken’s dream coming true!
It’s been centuries we humans are eating chickens’ eggs. We are pretty much sure they hate us by now as we eat their potential babies. A designer photoshopped a real man’s face into an egg making all the chickens of the world happy.
10- That’s it! I am not your therapist anymore!
Whoever has a goldish is definitely a loner looking for some emotional relief but goldfish get sick of our rants and whines we do every day in front of them. After all, they are not our therapists and what do we give them in return? A cheap feed and a small brown to swim in?
We hope these funny stock photos made you smile a little, if not a lot. Keep visiting us for more!