Categories: HealthLife

8 Amazingly Accessible Foods High In Potassium – List & Benefits

Some people call them ‘foodies’ and we believe everyone at some point is actually a foodie.


This doesn’t mean you only have to eat all the fancy foods high in potassium in the world, visit the artsy, fancy restaurants, and eat junk. But the word ‘foodie’ is for those as well, who take good, healthy, and a proper diet.

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Since this COVID-19 pandemic started and people are spending their time mostly at home, there seems to be an increase in health problems.point 229 |


The more you are careless about what you intake, the more your body will react whether through digestive problems, acne, other inner matters.point 119 | So we have to take care of ourselves in the best way possible.point 169 | You do not have to do excessive exercise but foods high in potassium will help you maintain your health.point 255 | 1


There are some foods high in potassium that are very necessary for you to take during this period. We will mention the 8 most important foods high in potassium below:


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If you live in Asia, chances are, your protein levels are good enough but your potassium intake is very little.point 109 | So one of the major sources of potassium is in the most common fruit worldwide which is bananas.point 188 | Bananas are full of water, fiber, and most importantly, potassium.point 245 |


Taking one medium-sized banana early in the morning will give you 10% of the potassium needed that day! So imagine you taking a full 3-4 bananas every day in morning, they will suffice you for your daily intake of foods with high potassium.point 198 | 1

Spinach and Broccoli

Although veggies should be eaten raw for maximum nutrient intake, cooked spinach and cooked broccoli are good sources of potassium. Scientists have found that eating cooked spinach and broccoli (or steamed)  increase beta carotene in the body, which reduces the risk of lungs, heart, and other diseases as well as cancer.



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No matter how unhealthy people think potatoes are, they are the most common source of potassium.point 212 |


Potatoes are eaten worldwide hence there has never been Potassium deficiency in a great amount in any culture.point 93 | The carbs in potatoes are only 5% whereas potassium is 421 mg which is almost 10%, double the carbs.point 175 | So enjoy your potatoes (no fries though).point 210 | 1


Some other foods high in Potassium

There are so many delicious fruits available worldwide which are high sources of potassium. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Oranges
  •  Cantaloupes
  • Honeydew
  • Apricots
  • Grapefruit
  • Prunes
  • Dates

Cucumber is also among foods high in potassium

The best veggie to eat raw is cucumbers as it has only 16 calories (one medium-sized cucumber). Cucumbers have no carbs in them, they’re rich in Potassium, Vitamin C, and K. They make up about 4% of your daily potassium intake. You can easily include these in your diet, especially lunch.


Leafy green veggies


One of the biggest blessing on this earth is leafy green vegetables. They’re also called Salad Greens, Pot herbs, vegetable greens or simple greens. They include:

  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Beet Greens
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Watercress
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Endive
  • Arugula
  • Turnip Greens

All of these leafy green veggies give us a sufficient amount of potassium needed every day.


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Avocados aren’t available everywhere but these provide better Potassium than bananas! Yes, you read that right.point 106 | We’ve been hearing about how bananas are the best source of potassium, but it is only because they’re available worldwide and avocados aren’t.point 244 |


Half of the avocado contains as much potassium as a medium-sized banana and the full size of avocado constitutes 20% of the whole day’s potassium needed.point 134 | 1


Source: The Economic Times

Only 1/8th of the watermelon consumption gives you 640 mg of potassium which makes about 14%. How amazing is that! And no one can resist a good watermelon, you won’t stop until you’ve had at least 2/8th of it.


So eat your good foods high in potassium that are needed for the day and make your immune system proud of you! And tell us what more nutrient you’d like to learn about.