A 26-years old man was going to Idaho with his family in his car.
It included the man, Somchai Lurak, alongside his fiance Emma Weigand and three daughters of them from age 3-6.
What really happened with Somachai Lurak’s family?
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While they were on their way, a drunk driver Matthew Park hit them at 80mph.point 67 | This crushed their whole car giving them serious injures.point 116 | The man’s neck is broken and he is paralyzed now while Weigand’s ribs are broken.point 195 | Meanwhile, all of the three little girls lost their lives in a horrible car crash.point 263 | 1
The three girls’ names were Aneena Lurak, 6 years old, Kaya Lurak, 5, and Drayka Rayshell, 3. The man, Somchai Lurak, was a restaurant manager who was at Spring Landing, Idaho. On the morning of 10th August, the family was safely driving in their car. But a speedy and drunk man overrides them.
How did the man get to know the news of his girls?
This resulted in a horrible incident with grave consequences. The man and his fiance were admitted to the hospital where he did not know what happened to his daughters.
Since Somchai did not know about his daughters but he needed to. His brother broke the news hours later he woke up. His own neck is broken and he is paralyzed.
This 13-years old innocent boy is dead as a corn harvester ran over him mistakenly
Who was the drunk driver?
The driver because of whom such a tragedy befell upon Somchai’s family is Matthew Park. He is a 46-years old grown-up man who was driving in a rush. Park requested the court that he is not guilty. But the cops charged him with first-degree and second-degree murders.
According to the liquor test, there was alcohol in his body when he was driving in over speed. And when the police investigated him, he admitted that he drank alcohol hours before driving. He was wearing urinated pants and he was smelling bad. Also, he was using a lot of slurry words while driving, and when the cops were investigating him.
What did Park tell the cops about the accident?
Since the cops were getting hard on the investigation, Park revealed a lot.point 214 |
He told the cops how he was over speeding his vehicle.point 44 | But he also told that he did not see Somchai’s car.point 91 | It was a Blue 2000 Dodge Neon and Somchai was stopping at the traffic light.point 153 | The location was Highway 20 and it was midnight at 1:20 am.point 201 | 1
What was Somchai’s family doing at midnight?
Somchai alongside his family was returning from visiting his family. Park was driving his 1995 Dodge truck traveling at 80mph and he smashed Somchai’s car from behind.
Park left the accident scene saving himself. Upon the investigation, he said he did not know what happened. He also said he did not know if he hit a car while he was perfectly alert. He said I would have stayed there if I knew I hit something.
All 3 girls were sitting in the backside of their car and 2 elder ones died at the spot. Meanwhile, the little one died at the hospital.
What does Lurak’s brother say about his condition?
According to Lurak’s brother, he told his brother about the death of his daughters.point 237 |
He is sad and in dismay but he is trying to keep his spirits high.point 52 | He also told how his brother is paralyzed and what he is going through.point 110 | It is shocking how a happy family is now a broken one.point 153 | The accident made both parents paralyzed both physically and emotionally.point 217 |
Lurak’s sedation is also wearing off now and he is going through a lot of pain.point 70 | 1
Guys, what do you believe should the court acquit the driver with murder charges? Or should it leave him free leaving Somchai’s family on his own?