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Fat-Shamed And Blamed By Husband, Woman Loses Half Her Body Weight After Losing Him

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It’s a fat-shamed and blamed story that has plenty of heads turning in total disbelief.


Hayley Bienert was the average all-American girl who adored her food. From pizzas and crisps to deluxe sub sandwiches and more, binge eating was her middle name. However, one very nasty incident changed all of that for her. And today, she couldn’t be more grateful for turning her life around for the better.


‘I’ve learned to love myself again, claims the young woman.’ Moreover, Hayley says that her need for change was desperate. She doesn’t know what she would do or where she would be if she didn’t take the stand to bring a change to her world.


Here are the latest updates on a fat-shamed and blamed incident that is guaranteed to inspire you.

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Source: Media Drum World

Woman fat-shamed and blamed by husband

It was the last laugh for one woman who was shamed by her husband for her weight.point 301 |


Haley explains how a cruel jibe from her partner was enough to bring about a lifestyle transformation for the better.point 98 | Therefore, if you think she’s mad at her ex-husband, then think again.point 163 | He is the reason she is beaming and shining brighter than ever.point 215 | 1

Source: Media Drum World

Losing half of her body weight, the stunner also lost her husband because of all the negativity he added to her life. Haley certainly believes she made the right decision.


The 27-year-old supervisor resided in Irvine, California. In addition, she always described herself as a ‘little chubby’.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. She was above and beyond the terms, ‘a little chubby.’ Leading a troubled and depressed life without a role model in the form of a father figure, Haley had plenty of other problems too. But the biggest one had to do with her toxic relationship with her then-husband, who is now an ex.

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Source: Media Drum World

A toxic relationship takes center stage

While you’d expect a partner to raise you up during all of life’s stages, that simply wasn’t the case here.point 261 |


A toxic relationship was the perfect way to describe Haley and her husband’s bond.point 75 | Moreover, the latter always tried his best to put her down, in more than one way.point 141 | 1

Therefore, the cycle of depression and stress eating all of her worries away continues. Certainly, they began taking a dangerous toll on her general health. And in the end, it was Haley’s major loss by miles. Soon, she was just a little over 16 stones 3 pounds. And that was equivalent to UK size 18 to 20.


As far as her dietary habits were concerned, it was daunting, to say the least. Imagine indulging in foot-long subs, chips, 4 cookies, and then a soda to help wash things down.

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Source: Media Drum World

Enough is enough- fat-shamed and blamed ordeal ends

Fast-forwarding her journey by almost 3 years, Hayley put all of the fat-shamed and blamed nonsense behind her.point 404 |


And that meant starting off with a clean slate.point 39 | Therefore, she began her transformation through healthy eating.point 95 | Undoubtedly, that was the biggest struggle for her.point 139 | She replaced all the junk foods with lean meats, fish, turkey, and tuna.point 199 | 1

Shockingly, this woman is unrecognizable today. Think along the lines of fit and fabulous. Dropping to an astonishing 10 stone and 5 pounds, she’s a UK size 8 to 10. How’s that for a miraculous transformation?

Source: Media Drum World

At the same time, Haley lost weight while ridding her husband too. He always complained about her weight and how she had nothing attractive about her. This cruel comment spurred Haley into action. And today, it all worked out for the best.


Haley is working hard as a fitness instructor and hopes to bring a great change in other people’s lives too. For her, it’s a dream to be an inspiration for others. And if she can help other struggling women out, then there’s nothing better.



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