This tale is about a woman who’s receiving plenty of shame for portraying her sexless marriage in public.
According to sources, an unidentified woman took to social media recently and penned down some of her personal thoughts. Moreover, she put down ‘plenty of detail’ on a famed sex columnist’s online journal. But what did she say that had readers fuming beyond belief?
Well, the woman dished out details on her unsuccessful and unhappy marriage. Meanwhile, she fat-shamed her husband, dumping plenty of dirt over his fat body too. But the real fury and confusion arose when she justified her sexless marriage as his fault.
Here is a story that has plenty of people baffled on how heartless and selfish a wife can possibly be.

A sexless marriage- the blame game begins
What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you think of marriage? For some, it’s a journey of fairytales and dreams. On the other hand, for others, it’s all about compromise and staying true to each other.
And then you have a third category, and it’s causing anger amid plenty of readers. Recently, a woman went viral for putting up her dirty laundry for the public to view. Moreover, the woman thought it was okay to ask a sex columnist’s opinion regarding her thoughts on divorce.
However, if you think the woman would go unnoticed by other readers that actively engage on the public forum, you’re clearly mistaken.
Wife receives backlash for dishing out dirty laundry
It was a ‘what goes around, come around,’ type of situation recently.point 344 |
The anonymous writer expressed how unhappy she was lately.point 50 | On the forum, she described how she was simply ‘tired’ of her husband’s fat body.point 123 | At the same time, she decided to put the blame entirely on his ‘large size.point 186 | ’point 189 | 1
The woman explained how she cooked healthy meals for her husband. However, he always refused to eat her food. Instead, he found it alright to binge upon junk food, take outs, and beverages galore. For her, enough was enough. And the fact that the relationship was turning into a sexless marriage was another major of her concerns.
She felt the need for a divorce, owing to her husband’s fat body, as a good enough reason to justify it. But you won’t believe what happened next.
Personal rants turn into a heated debate
The sexless marriage saga continued when the woman revealed how this was in fact her third marriage. Just that was enough to raise plenty of people’s eyebrows. 3 marriages and you still want another divorce- what is the world coming to!
While the letter started off on how her husband had all the qualities of a dream man, people couldn’t understand why this woman couldn’t get past his fat belly. Many wondered if being overweight was such a major problem? At the same time, was the excuse good enough for a divorce? Well, clearly, the majority didn’t agree.
Instead, they went on bashing the woman for her selfish acts. One internet user went as far as claiming how the woman was probably the culprit in her other divorces too- ouch!
“I simply can’t find a fat man attractive”
When the anonymous writer explained how she ‘simply couldn’t find a fat man attractive,’ people had enough. Plenty of typewriter warriors lashed out at her. They called her superficial and self-centered. Moreover, they even accused her of turning back on her own vows.
Some people also expressed how it’s not ok for men to fat-shame women but when women do it, no-one utters a word. There were also a few people who sided with the woman, expressing how being over-weight is a divorce worthy problem. However, the majority disagreed.
The last word came in the form of advice from New Zealand based expert sex columnist, Dr. Jennifer. She wrote:
“relationships are not a type of Hollywood movie. They are hard work. Similarly, they require a willingness to listen as well as a general form of empathy for survival.” The advice was for the couple as a whole, and the readers couldn’t agree anymore.
We sure hope the woman reconsidered her decision because marriages are a two-way approach. And they require a lot of compromise for success.
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