Categories: Daily Top 10Life

‘My Mother-In-Law, 70, Wants To Breastfeed Her Two New Grandbabies As She Wants To Have A Closer Bond With Them’

A new mom has shared how her 70-year-old mother-in-law wanted to breastfeed her newborn as well as her sister-in-law’s baby.


Taking to Reddit, the woman explained that her sister-in-law was due to give birth to her first baby in six weeks, so the grandmother is excited to ‘help.’

“She read that grandma’s help breastfeed babies in some cultures and wants to give it a go,” the original poster wrote.


The woman said that she wasn’t surprised that they were going to make the baby’s arrival ‘as weird as possible,’ but she didn’t think that her mother-in-law would also come for her and her newborn.


“Now that she’s got this idea that she’s going to breastfeed ‘her grandbaby’ she’s started to come for me saying that she doesn’t want a stronger bond with one baby more than the other (Dear Husband and my youngest baby is 2 months old),” she went on.


The mother-in-law hoped that she can breastfeed both her infant and her sister-in-law’s newborn at the same time.

“Her eyes gloss over as if it’s some f***** up dream of hers to tandem feed them,” she expressed.


The mom was also worried that if her mother-in-law can breastfeed, she could have extended visits or have the babies overnight ‘since she can feed them.’


“Even if all parties were cool with grandma sticking her tits in baby’s mouth, like she’s 70… how the f*** are you going to look after two newborns?”

The woman also wondered if her mother-in-law could still ‘re-lactate?’


One Reddit user commented: “You can’t breastfeed without working ovaries. So if her ovaries are kaput then she’s not getting anywhere with her idea.”


Another wrote: “Found the whole no ovaries = no milk out when I had twin newborns plus had ovarian cancer. Doctors said once the ovaries get removed means no more breastfeeding. Theoretically it’s been 20-30 years since her menopause so those ovaries…. Just no.”


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