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‘Am I Being Paranoid?’ Mother Sparks DEBATE After Refusing To Allow Her 7-Year-Old Son To Use Men’s Restroom Alone

A mother has sparked a lengthy debate after she shared that she doesn’t allow her son, 7, to use the men’s restroom alone.


Posting on Mumsnet, the woman who goes under the username FlyingPi explained that whenever they’re out and her son needs to use the toilet, she makes him come with her into the women’s restroom.

“Problem is, he’s starting to complain about it and wants to go in the Gents on his own,” she wrote.


“I have let him do this in one particular place where there’s never anyone about, so I knew he wouldn’t encounter anyone at the urinals,” the mother continued.


“I’m always honest with him but I don’t quite know how to explain why I’m not letting him do this anywhere else, like at the swimming pool/gym toilets.”

She said that her son knows about the ‘Pants rules,’ consent as well as personal space but she’s still very worried.


“What do you tell your kids?” she asked.


The mother also explained that her son has just turned 7 “but the idea of him seeing grown men using urinals, or – even if it’s a small chance – someone dodgy approaching him, worries me.”


Her post sparked a lengthy debate, with many completely understanding her worries.

“I think 8 is probably the oldest I’d let mine in the Ladies but I do remember how scary it was to start letting him!”

Another wrote: “I took my son with me into the ladies room at that age because I didnt trust strange men in there with my child..”


A third said: “In new places my boys come with me. In familiar places we trust they can go as a buddy system and I’m right outside the door. They fuse a little having to use the ladies room, but I will fight that fuss every time to keep ‘em safe.”


Someone else added: “I used to stand outside the men’s and kick the door open every 10 seconds while talking to my son. I got some weird looks, but his safety was my priority.”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this story with your friends and family!




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