Categories: Life

Mom Divides The Internet After Waxing Her Daughter’s FACE To ‘Protect’ Her From Bullies

A mother managed to divide the internet as she revealed she waxed her young daughter’s face because she was bullied by her classmates.


As 32-year-old Ashlee Pease, a mother and a TikTok star with more than one hundred million views on the platform, revealed in her viral clip, she agreed to wax her 10-year-old daughter’s unibrow and a “mustache” after the girl was allegedly teased by people at her school.

©@thepeasefamily via TikTok

“Okay guys, so we’re about to wax the middle of Giselle’s eyebrows. She said people in school are teasing her about her mustache [too], which she doesn’t even have,” Pease said.


The mom then proceeded to apply wax to the girl’s face using a do-it-yourself kit before pulling the strip off, causing the child to scream out.

©@thepeasefamily via TikTok

As the influencer added, the attempt was hardly successful whereas most of the hair remained right where they were.


The mom also admitted they will let a professional take care of the stubborn hair instead.

After the clip went viral, plenty of viewers slammed the mom for making the girl change her looks to please her bullies and accused her of being vain.

©@thepeasefamily via TikTok

“I don’t like this mother energy, you are not soft mother, looks very harsh in all ways. Change yourself urgent,” someone said.


“People already bully her, why did you need to film this and post it on social media?” another asked.

©@thepeasefamily via TikTok

A third suggested: “Why don’t [you] just teach her confidence in herself and how she looks?”


Many, however, also rushed to the mom’s defense and praised her for protecting her daughter and letting her decide what she wants for herself.

©@thepeasefamily via TikTok

“This girl trusts her mother so much she came to her with this issue & her mama did what she could to help build her confidence,” one person wrote.


Another added: “My mom did this for me because she said she rather people bully her for being a ‘bad mom’ then kids bully her kid for something she can’t control.”

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