Categories: Animal/PetsAnimalsFunny

10 Pictures of Dogs With Funny Faces That Will Give You Laughing Fits

Ever looked at your pet and he’s making such funny faces that just make you LOL? Such are these pictures of dogs with funny faces.


You laugh out loud, for real?

Well, in the case of dogs, it’s quite often. In the case of cats and other various pets, I don’t think many people will notice such cuteness. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t have anything against cats but we sure do love dogs more! So here are some pictures of dogs with funny faces. Some of these dogs with funny faces are super hilarious and super-duper adorable, judge’em yourself!


When your dog does something trashy but wants to act cute


So here’s a funny dog picture when your dog messes up something in the kitchen or bathroom, big time! The face is oh-so-adorable but the actions though? Nah!!


The innocence level is unmatched when they’ve done something bad


So your dog peed on the couch? Alas! You’ll never know because he’s acting too innocent being one of the cute dogs that he is. The dog with a funny face will make you believe that your partner might have done it!


What does your dog doing a white-colored poop means? Learn about all types of poops your dogs do.

Looks like someone fed this dog something bitter


This tops the pictures of all dogs with funny faces! Look at the cute doggo with the stupid yet cute expressions. Now we can’t tell whether he’s dreaming of sour patch candy or he was actually fed with something bitter and ugly.


The Joker Dog


This dog is unbelievably handsome yet fierce, what a funny dog picture. Looks like a dog version of the movie Joker. We think he’ll make it in the audition if he tried.


When you don’t know whether it was a piece of chocolate or…


Ever been out with a foodie? They eat anything and everything, even if something LOOKS like an edible but it’s really not. This dog looks like he mistook a piece of his own shit for a piece of chocolate. This is one of the cutest dog expressions, believe us.


Unamused Pug: Dogs With Funny Faces

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When you’re at home, your dog wants to go out all the time.point 197 | You take the dog out, especially if you have a pug, they act like they’re unamused and not entertained just like this one down here.point 311 |


Believe us when we tell you the moment this dog is taken back home, he’s going to beg you to go out again by eyeing you towards his leash.point 116 | 1

Best picture of all the cute dogs:


We have no idea what this expression is called but legends call it the pancake expression. It tops all the funny dog pictures on the internet. Or maybe he was hit by a ball? Dear Lord protect this pupper at all costs!


Surprised, amused but not terrified


You know when you’ve seen someone on the internet and they’re not even cute but you like their personality. So you go on a date with them only to have expressions like this dog right here. He seems surprised, amused but not terrified because he knew what he was getting himself into.


We love stuffed toys and you know it!


Are you even a good dog owner if your dog doesn’t own dozens of stuffed toys? Get your dog a new toy and watch his expression here like this funny dog picture below.




Ok, we aren’t exaggerating when we tell you this is one of those funny dog pictures of dogs with funny faces. It is when they realize that their girlfriends said Yes’.


These cute dogs look like the happiest dogs on earth and we can only assume the best. Wait, maybe they were both meetings after 6 or 7 whole months of quarantine and the speed and force with which they collided and made these expressions are so funny.