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Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs: Teens Who Brutally Killed Animals and Humans

Have you ever heard of Dnepropetrovsk maniacs before? If you haven’t, this article is going to give you a major shock.


You will be stunned to learn how two Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, those too only teens, went on a murder spree brutally killing anyone they could lay their hands on.

No vulnerable creature was left safe from these two cold-blooded teens. Men, women, children, and even animals were scared of these two young boys. Let’s find out what did these Dnepropetrovsk maniacs do that the entire city was clouded with their horrific acts.


Who are the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs or the hammer maniacs?

point 51 |
Steemit.point 159 | com

So these are the two Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs we are talking about.point 219 |


They both are 19-years old and when they met each other, they became best friends.point 68 | Since both had a lot of common fears like the fear of height, both maniacs tried weird tricks to get over it.point 156 |  Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuck dangled themselves from the 14th floor of a building to get rid of their fear.point 252 | 1


Viktor and Suprunyuck also had one more interest in common, they enjoyed torturing people with a hammer. They always carried a hammer with them so they could attack whoever they can.

Suprunyuck & Viktor’s vicious murder spree


The first time Suprunyuck killed someone was a woman. He was roaming around the town carrying a hammer in his hand when he saw a woman. He spun around and attacked the lady with the claw of his hammer leaving her dead.


This gave them a taste of blood and they started hunting for more blood. One day they saw a man sleeping on a bench, they approached him. And killed him the same way with the claw of their hammer.

Soon enough, the whole town did become scared as the murder rate increased. But no one knew the real cause behind this recent kill spree in the town. And how could one even suspect two normal-looking teen boys as murderers?


10 Women Who Never Knew Their Husbands Were Serial Killers

The hunt for animals!


Viktor and Suprunyuck did not even leave animals safe. They attacked cats and dogs with hammers and took pictures and videos of it. One time, they glued a cat’s mouth and nailed her to a wood slate and made pictures of it as well. These pictures are available on the internet now since they uploaded it.


Both hammer maniacs were squeamish and to get over it, they started torturing animals.

What do these pictures and videos show?


So as we mentioned before, these Dnepropetrovsk maniacs took pictures of their victims. They show mutilation and signs of torture on victims. You can also see one pregnant woman’s fetus out of her womb.


How did the cops get to know about these two?

point 36 |
Criminalminds.point 150 | com

The cops never knew these were the real culprits until one day when they were torturing a group of friends.point 241 |


One of them got ran away and went to the police station to help his friends.point 61 | At first, the cops thought he is lying so they beat him up.point 108 | But soon enough, they did realize that the boy is innocent.point 157 | He did provide them the information and description of the boys and cops started hunting for them.point 239 | 1


How did cops capture both maniacs?

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Viralnova.point 139 | com

There was another accomplice with these two boys, Hanzha.point 191 | He never helped them in murdering people but he did assist in robberies and pawning them and selling them at the store.point 289 |


So when he was trying to pawn them, the cops got him.point 42 | The involvement of both hammer maniacs in a murder linking to this pawning got them.point 112 | 1

Viktor and Suprunyuck are serving lifetime prison yet Hanzha is already free with his time back in 2018. We just hope and pray no such brutal incident ever happens again and wish no one turns into hammer maniacs in their lives!