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Deaf And Mute Schoolgirl Gang-Raped, Battered, And Murdered By Attackers In India

indian girl.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Deaf And Mute Schoolgirl Gang-Raped, Battered, And Murdered By Attackers In India

In one of the most criminal acts against humanity, a deaf and mute schoolgirl gang-raped incident in India is spreading like wildfire.


But that’s not all. The poor student suffered battering and then her killing too.

The horrifying story sent chills across millions of viewers spines. And that’s when the sex attack story starting going viral, bringing millions to tears.

schoolgirl gang-raped

The fact that the whole incident took place in her very own school is just too chilling to believe. And that raises plenty of questions on the education system of the country.


The local police detained four criminals, who have reported links to the incident. Likewise, the local government ordered a strict and transparent follow up in the investigation. When found,’ they are destined to receive the harshest of punishment,’ claim top leaders.


Here’s more details on the schoolgirl gang raped story that’s shaking the world, one moment at a time.

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Source: Dailymail

A child finds dead remains of schoolgirl gang-raped in India

A young child from Uttrita’s Middle School was happily playing with friends when he suddenly made the most harrowing discovery.point 366 |


According to reports, the child saw the disabled girl’s remains from afar.point 65 | Upon noticing, he informed others, and that’s when hundreds of villagers gathered in the area.point 147 | 1

The 14-year-old child was reported missing, the night before. And that’s when local media mentioned the news in their headlines. But who knew what was in store for the young girl’s destiny.


Upon discovery of the schoolgirl gang-raped ordeal, local villagers and police officials rushed to the crime scene. They were heartbroken to find how the ninth grader’s face was brutally distorted. Moreover, it seemed as if the criminals used huge weights in the form of bricks and stones.

Source: Vice

The police fail to make a breakthrough in the case

Local media made claims of how the state’s local police department failed to make any major breakthrough in the case. Some speculations suggest that 4 people were also questioned.


On the other hand, another leading and influential individual claims that there isn’t much evidence available. And for that reason, they need to rely solely on forensic evidence. This is also partly related to the fact that there were no eyewitnesses regarding the incident.


Today, police are waiting patiently for the young teen’s post mortem report. And that will reveal whether or the schoolgirl gang rape took place before or after her murder.

Source: The Asian Post

Shocking sexual assault sparks outrage amongst the community

The world is still questioning how such an atrocious crime occurred in the first place. Reports showed how the victim went missing, late Saturday evening. However, the only news received after that was relating to her brutal death.


On the other hand, the horrifying revelations sparked major outrage in the community. One elective representative revealed how the entire ordeal shook him to the core. In addition, he called the perpetrators out for their evil.

Other news bodies claim how the government made requests for fast-tracking the case. This will, it will arrive at the court quicker. Hence, allowing the legal system to punish all of those involved in the heinous crime.

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Source: The Week

India classified as the most dangerous destination for woman in 2018

According to facts and figures from 2018, India is the world’s most unsafe place for women.point 250 |


And a lot of it stems from the fact that there’s plenty of sex as well as domestic abuse.point 73 | With hundreds and thousands of cases reported each year, this is another unfortunate incident to take center stage.point 171 | 1

Above all, the schoolgirl gang-raped and murder incident took place at the student’s own school. There’s truly nothing sadder than that.

Source: Standard-Examiner


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