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7 Creepy Websites That No Body Knows What Are They On Internet For

creepy websties.jpg?fit=1024%2C576&ssl=1&strip=all - 7 Creepy Websites That No Body Knows What Are They On Internet For

Agreeably, the internet is all fun and glamour but its a junkyard of creepy websites too.


Just like anything and everything in the world, the internet can, be quite frankly, a very creepy place for all.

There are so many bizarre websites and links that take you to creepy places right at the pace of your home that you will be scratching your head, fidgeting and maybe want to shut down everything when you come across such things.

point 0 | creepy websites
Youtube.point 108 | com

We have a list of websites with material ranging from suicide stories including on it to the last messages saved before an aeroplane crash.point 227 |


Some of these things you might find uninteresting but this doesn’t mean for some other people it’s uninteresting as well.point 114 | Regardless, you will surprise yourself exploring the rest of our article down below.point 186 | 1

A human mind is an amazing piece of information and weirdly odd deciding what you like the most. Do let us know when you’re done reading that which creepy websites or sources you found were of your interest!


Plane Crash Info

point 14 | New Dale Jr. Plane Crash Photos Released | FOX Sports
Foxsports.point 124 | com

Since there aren’t many plane crashes, yet there are at least 1 in a decade.point 195 | A lot of people have aviophobia or aerophobia which is basically fear of flying because of these very incidents.point 289 |


Then again, there are those who are keenly observant on what the last words of people before dying, were but isn’t this too weird?point 113 | 1

This is one of the creepy websites where all mp3 transcriptions of passengers are recorded, saved and uploaded here. Although crazy, right?


Dong Ghost

point 9 |
Amle.point 114 | org

It’s a Korean comic which is translated into English on the screen.point 179 | It’s creepy, kind of weird and seems like a real story.point 230 |


At the same time, one of the major reasons it’s actually considered cool and the creepiest of the creepy links is that it is very interactive with its viewers thus, this makes it super scary as well.point 169 | Pay it a visit and you’ll know yourself!point 208 | 1


Maze Game

It’s  a simple game with major scares in it. Your mouse just follows along the maze, remember not to touch any walls or BAM and here’s a scary thing for you waiting!


Rate My Poo

Ok, maybe not as much creepy website as it is nasty and gross. Did you know on this website, people upload pictures of their poop and other people go over there and… RATE THE POO! That’s right.


They tell you what your poop is trying to tell you, according to them. So you can find out whether your poop is basically angry or happy with your decision of letting it out.

Skyway Bridge Jumpers

Honestly, we don’t even know why this website is basically just counting its death rate. Some websites are pretty useless and are just present for the sake of being present, doing nothing for the community, its people, heck even the internet.


Still, there is this Skyway Bridge Jumpers website that tells you when and who fall off  The Skyway Bridge which is present in Florida. It is the fourth most suicide active bridge in America.

You either are scared of spiders or hate them but these astonishing facts about them will leave you jaw-dropped


Simulation Argument

point 18 |
Scoopwhoop.point 129 | com

One of the creepiest websites has to be this one.point 172 | Simulation Argument tries to convince us that we aren’t real but we are, or are we? That there are actually studies, papers and scientific reasons that prove we are living in a computer world a.point 338 |


k.point 2 | a The Matrix.point 13 | It’s weird, it’s creepy and you will find yourself embedded, indulged and completely lost on this website.point 115 | 1

Time Cube: Weirdest of creepy websites

For the conspiracy freaks who try to link everything to a conspiracy, even this COVID-19 Pandemic, this is one of the creepiest of these websites out there. You might be thinking it involves some flat-earth thinkers in here too which is darn right.


Not just this but Gene Ray’s personal model of reality is present in this website and it will just make you go cray cray! We hope you try out one of these websites and let us know which one did you find the most creepy.

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