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Child Snatcher Grabs Young Girl And Drives Off While Mum Pays For Fuel At Gas Station

snatch.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Child Snatcher Grabs Young Girl And Drives Off While Mum Pays For Fuel At Gas Station

When you think of a child snatcher, there’s truly nothing more chilling than that.


And to be honest, this case is no exception to the ordeal. Meanwhile, you know there’s a danger when the rather chilling moment gets caught on camera.

Yes, a wave of terror arose when a shocking video arose of a child snatcher. Most importantly, you can clearly see how the snatcher tries to make a run for it with a 4-year-old girl. And despite all the drama taking place, the mom is absolutely clueless. She’s just too busy to notice what’s actually going on at the gas station.


With time, she realizes what goes on. However, it’s just too late. Here’s more on the rather startling story that’s going viral by the second.

child snatcher
Source: ApnaSite

Child snatcher escapes with a 4-year-old girl

If this video and real-life incident doesn’t serve as an alarming example for parents, then we’re not quite sure what will. Yes, the world is going bonkers over how such a chilling incident took place in broad daylight. Above all, no one knows who to blame.


A Ukrainian mother faced her worst nightmare when a child snatcher did the unthinkable. Just as she stepped out to pay for her fuel, a child snatcher appeared from nowhere. And that’s when he grabs her daughter and swiftly escapes.

Soon enough, the mother realizes how the kidnapper abducts her child. He uses smart tactics and lures the 4-year old into his car. Unfortunately, he’s just too fast for anyone to do anything. And in the end, her mother is terrified to the core.

Source: ApnaSite

The horrifying incident leaves the mother devastated

As a parent, your children mean the most to you. After all, they are your own blood. Hence, it’s no wonder why they’re willing to do anything and everything to see them smile. But when an incident like this strikes.


One witness goes as far as explaining the entire event. And it’s truly tragic if you ask us.

Source: ApnaSite

“The father was sitting in the car, and that’s when the mum decided to get down with her daughter. As she pays for her fuel, the young 4 years old looks away at toys. However, soon enough, a man appears from nowhere,” he explained.


Moreover, the petrol station’s CCTV footage revealed quite a bit too. Here, you can clearly see how the man ushers the innocent girl. He says something to her and makes her come along with him. Meanwhile, an up-close and personal look makes you realize how shady looking the person really is.

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Source: The Sun

It’s every parent’s nightmare come true

Other than that, you can also witness the child snatcher wearing dark-colored clothes.point 233 |


It’s almost as if it’s black.point 36 | Soon, he grabs the girl and pushes her into his white-colored vehicle.point 95 | Suddenly, he pushes her down towards the car’s back seat.point 149 | It’s almost as if he violently shoves her into his vehicle.point 204 | 1

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Source: The Scottish Sun

Next, you can see how fast the snatcher goes to his left side.point 171 | He quickly sits in and makes a run for it.point 204 |


And before you know it, he leaves the station in no time.point 46 | The district’s police station described the ordeal in the most tragic words imaginable.point 127 | The head spokesperson reiterated all of the event’s occurrences in sequence.point 199 | And it was probably nightmarish for the mother to recall it all over again.point 261 |


The officer claimed:point 18 | 1

“At Boryspil gas station, an unidentified man walks in and abducts a young child. This event took place as the mother was distracted while for her fuel at the station. Soon, the abductor kidnaps the girl, shoves her inside his vehicle, and disappears. It appeared as if he was heading towards an unknown direction.”


Meanwhile, police arrested the child kidnapper, after a massive search operation. He was hiding near the airport. Finally, the cops returned the little unharmed girl, towards her parents.



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