Categories: FunnyMemes

10 Hilarious Captain America Memes You Will Laugh Your Head Off

Since the latest Captain America movie was out, the internet was flooded with the Captain America memes.


A lot of them are super hilarious and quite relevant to real-life for almost all of us.

Considering the love Captain America memes are receiving from the social media users, we have decided to compile a list of the funniest ones. We hope these memes will make your day!


When you prank your teacher


When you try to troll your teacher and it goes wrong, this is what it looks like. You think this is funny to tease your teacher like this and you will not have to pay back? You are wrong!


Sometimes hate is disguised as love


Anyone who has watched the Captain America movie knows what this meme is about. When your best friend pretends as he loves you but in reality he hates you, this is what it looks like. Reminds of you of someone?


The bromance explained in one meme


If you have a bro who you really love and can do anything for, you know what we are talking about. This meme shows how ‘bromance’ is between two men.


Just like women love their girl friends to pieces, men love their male friends too and this is a good example of it.

Superhero movies fans are waiting to embrace Spiderman Homecoming on Netflix

The funniest of Captain America Memes


This has got to be the funniest of Captain America memes because of the obvious reasons. It seems like the whole purpose of Cap was circulating around Bucky since the first time movie came out.


When you leave your friend for one moment and the whole world goes gaga


How many of you can relate to this? Not only with friends but sometimes with siblings, it happens. You leave them for one moment making them promise they will not do anything stupid. But they turn the whole world upside down hurting themselves.


The story of every genius student ever


Isn’t it highly relatable? Every friends’ group has at least one member like this. They rant all the time how they have not studied for the exam. But when the start performing in the exam, it simply gets beyond amazing!


Do you have a friend like this? Or are you one?

When the principal interrogates you for your foul language in school


Whenever you or any student use foul language in the school, the principal calls you in her office. And this is what it looks like. She interrogates you like the captain.


This new Captain America meme is totally relatable and hilarious in so many ways that only students will understand.

The veterans will understand it well


When you join the army thinking of all the benefits you will get and how your life will be a bed of roses. But in reality, you never receive your promised benefits just like Captain America. He saves the world all the time but gets nothing in return.


This is an eye-opener Captain America meme template for so many around the world.

How to troll your introvert and quiet friend?


Okay, so this is not a hate meme but just a fun way to troll your friend who doesn’t go out or do anything fun. But whenever you ask them to adopt a hobby, they say they have a lot of them already. This is how you remind them that staying sad is not a hobby.


When you are emotionless as Bucky


Any normal person would cry, or at least get tears in their eyes, seeing other people crying with pain or grief. But some people are just as plain as Bucky is. They either don’t care or just don’t feel that kind of compassion and empathy.


So this is how they react when you ask them to cry a bit.

Did you enjoy seeing these Captain America memes? If yes, share it with your friends and family!