Have you ever gone through any kind of bullying in your life? You must, by now, know how challenging it is to face bullying that too if it is constant.
Your self-esteem ruins, you feel humiliated and disgusted in front of the whole world.
Now just imagine what if this bullying happened to a little child? Don’t you think children are way more sensitive and unable to handle bullying? This 7-year old Jackson Bezzant is getting bullied from his peers at school every single day and no one is doing anything about it.
Why is Jackson Bezzant bullied?
Thing is, Jackson was born with a disease called Treacher Collins Syndrom because of which, his bones and facial tissues are not normal. His face, as you can see in the picture above, is not exactly how a normal kid is. But this is not Jackson’s fault at all, he was born this way.
Instead of making him feel okay about it and help him embrace his appearance, everyone insults him. According to his father Dan, as he speaks with Idaho News, from children to adults, everyone makes fun of his son. A lot of grown-ups give derogatory remarks about him and look down upon him.
Why does Jackson want to commit suicide?
His father wrote a social media status addressing everyone, requesting them to share it as well. He says, his son is getting depression because he has no friends at school and no one wants to talk to him. His class fellows call him ‘monster’, ‘ugly, and ‘freak’.
He does not fight back with anyone, he is basically a good boy but he is a human being after all. Enduring these kinds of humiliative and derogatory remarks made him fantasize about suicide. Since he wants to go away from everyone and everything to a place where he will be safe.
These Pixie and Brutus comics teach us all how to handle bullying
What happened at the school that made Dan post a status?
As per Dan, his son was eating breakfast when three older boys came at him. They started calling him names, hurling slurs at him which hurt him a lot. Jackson did not react even though he was getting angry from the inside.
Soon enough, the teacher’s aide came to rescue Jackson from the bullies but it deeply hurt him. The school management called his family to narrate the whole story to them which brought his father Dan in tears.
Dan describes what it is like to be a father of Jackson
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Since Dan was really hurt at what happened at the school with Jackson, he decided to write about it.point 191 | He wrote a short but quite moving post on Facebook about the everyday ordeal of his son.point 263 |
Dan says people look down upon my son wherever he goes and how it is hurting not only the kind but his family as well.point 94 | 1
He requested everyone to educate themselves and their kids to not bully people with disabilities. He wrote how he could not go home the day he was called by the school. Dan seems a very caring father who cries on his son’s emotional ordeals.
How did the internet take Dan’s status?
Quite contrary to Dan’s previous experiences and expectations, people flooded on his timeline with support.point 256 |
Everyone shared his status and people started talking about how bullying must stop.point 71 | Dan is loving this support and love and he believes with so many people coming out for his son, things will soon change for Jackson.point 179 | 1
He is hopeful of a bright, peaceful future for his son who has yet to undergo a lot more surgeries. Jackson’s class fellows are coming to him offering friendship with him now.
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