Categories: DIYHealth

‘Farty Nature’ Of Brussel Sprouts & Cheats To Minimize It

Undeniably, we all can relate to having experienced the Brussel Sprouts gassy nature and how it makes us ashamed in front of everyone.


And only God knows how close we are to be hated at the workplace if we eat it at breakfast or at supper because of the smelly farts.


Not only that you will spend your whole night farting but also go through sharp Brussel Sprouts gas pain. But the reason we can’t stop eating is, it makes everything yummy it goes to. So here’re a few tips you can try to avoid the Brussel Sprouts gassy pain or the smelly farts having the potential to send one into the unconscious.


First things first do Brussel Sprouts cause smelly gas?

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Trendolizer.point 159 | com

A  lot of people may argue that Brussel Sprouts do not cause any smelly gas or there is no such thing as Brussel Sprouts gas pain.point 268 |


It may be because they have never experienced it, lucky them, or perhaps they just like to boast around.point 86 | Whatever is the case, let us reveal why do Brussel Sprouts cause smelly gas.point 149 | 1

Brussel Sprouts, just like many other foods, are hard to digest and it causes some kind of bloating in the abdomen. You feel like your abdomen is tight or full and this can lead to some sort of digestive problem because of their underlying nature. So when you intake the Brussel Sprouts gassy, the bacteria in your stomach try to fight with it and release carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen in doing so.


Decoding the Brussel Sprouts gassy nature


Since there is a whole science behind how do Brussel Sprouts cause smelly gas or how does Brussel Sprouts gas pain happen, you have to understand it in layman language.


According to Oxford Online Pharmacy, our body does not include enzymes like alpha-galactosidase that helps break down raffinose. This raffinose is a sugar that is present in almost all the brassica vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Hence, a lot of people complain about having a lot of smelly farts when they eat any of these vegetables. In fact, some even end up nauseating or throwing up or having diarrhea.


This dog farts so much and his owner took a video of it

Why do we get smelly farts after eating it?


As we have mentioned above the gassy nature of Brussel Sprouts, now let’s explore why do we get such smelly farts? I mean, there are all kinds of ‘neat’ farts too but why the smelly ones?


So the body produces sulfite and mercaptan when it struggles to decompose the raffinose and this causes smelly farts. In other words, our digestive system breaks the vegetable down in many forms. To help the body digest it, one of the ways it opts is through farts.


Tips to reduce the number of farts


Though, there isn’t a concrete way of not getting farts or decreasing the number to a significant level.  Except you do not touch it at all. There could be multiple tips and tricks to avoid any embarrassing situation among friends.

  • Do more exercise to or a brisk walk  to activate your digestive system
  • Take probiotics which contain bacteria that help in the decomposition of Brussel Sprouts
  • Enzym supplements can help break down the complex nature of some foods.point 195 | At first, it will cause more gas because of the nature of this bacteria.point 254 |

    But you will end up clearing your intestine faster than regular.point 54 |

  • If you must eat high-fiber vegetables, you must steam them first so they could produce less gas.point 134 |
  • Try ginger tea or add a slice, or chop them into tiny pieces, and add them in the water

Though everyone’s personal experiences vary these little tips and tricks can reduce your chances of getting embarrassed in a gathering.point 325 |


In any case, Brussel Sprouts cause a lot of bloating and stomachaches, it is best for you to let go of it.point 85 | 1