Say hello to the ‘breastmilk queen’ who isn’t afraid to end the stigma surrounding breastfeeding.
According to sources, the mum from Adelaide is responding to trolls and haters who attack her in public and social media. Moreover, she explains how she’s on a message to end the taboo that breastfeeding brings in society.
But why is the world attacking an innocent mum and her toddler? Well, the answer is pretty simple. People aren’t used to seeing mums give their kids breastmilk, beyond 12 months. And that’s because they feel that kids who have teeth should indulge in other means.
However, this woman doesn’t find anything wrong with it. Similarly, she expresses how she is going public with her ordeals in ending the stigma. For this reason, she posts on social media. The response that this breast milk queen gets isn’t what she imagined but she’s trying to move on.

Meet Amy McGlade- a mum on a mission
This Adelaide based mid-wife is working really hard for a good cause. Moreover, it’s a unique mission that surrounds the stigma of breastfeeding.
Dubbed by plenty as the breastmilk queen, the woman has plenty to say. At the same time, her public posts on social media might rub viewers in the wrong way.
Yes, the 35-year-old Australian explains how she indulges in sharing photos of her ‘unique breastfeeding journey.’ For the past 6 years, she makes it a point to document the highlights of feeding 4 kids.
A fanbase comprising of 50,000 followers on Instagram
Amy’s posts are gaining popularity more so now than ever. And whatever the reason may be, one thing is sure. She has plenty of people’s attention. Through Instagram, her fans, foes, and silent observers note her next move.
Therefore, she receives plenty of comments on a daily basis. While some may appreciate her stance on the matter, others not quite as much. But the mum of 4 is okay with it and moving on. But what do people actually say? Moreover, how do they really feel about the breastmilk queen is a question on plenty of minds.
Breastmilk queen and the comments- a unique affair
While most of Amy’s followers are moms or moms to be that are in search of advice, others are critics. For this reason, the woman gets all sorts of comments from around the globe. Some support her decision while others call her out.
In particular, trolls are a regular feature. They can’t help themselves sometimes, posting the meanest comments imaginable. The mere fact that she even deals with things like these is beyond her sometimes.
Amy explains how people have the biggest issue with feeding toddlers above 12 months. They feel it isn’t normal and wants her to stop.
The reasons behind the meanest comments revealed
These days, you’ll find her breastfeeding her youngest daughter Scarlet. While she is above 12 months, Amy feels it’s fine that she still provides her milk in a natural way. Moreover, she isn’t planning on quitting either.
But by sharing her life online, she feels that she personally invites others to comment. And while midwife wishes people be kind, they simply aren’t.
From name-calling to attacking her kids indefinitely, it’s a pretty hurtful ordeal. She continually deletes and blocks them but they seem to increase by the minute.
One troll went as far as calling Scarlet a fat c*** or even a hippo. Likewise, they refer to the breastmilk queen as ‘disgusting’ too. They also go to the extent of explaining how she is damaging her kids by doing this.
But Amy feels that if it’s ok to breastfeed a baby, then it should be ok to do the same with a toddler. Breastfeeding is normal, she explains, and people need to get over the stigma.
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