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Meet The Boy From Mars Who Explains Why He Was Sent To Planet Earth

eeeeeeeeef.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Meet The Boy From Mars Who Explains Why He Was Sent To Planet Earth

The boy from Mars is making rounds on social media and it’s definitely a hard and bizarre ordeal to ignore.


Identified as Boriska Kipriyanovich, this young man might be on a mission. While the first thing that came to mind was a martian, we certainly might be a little ahead of ourselves.

But seriously, social media can’t stop asking one question.. ‘what’s with the mullet mate?’ However, there are seriously more pivotal aspects worth considering. And trust us when we say, they’re deeper than his age-old hairdo.


For this reason, we sat down and thought it would be interesting to take a look at what the big deal was all about in the first place. Hence, why waste any more time. Let’s get right into it!

boy from mars
Source: The Sun

The boy from Mars- a rare species?

Now at 21 years of age, we’d like to introduce you to a man that many refer to as the boy from Mars. According to media reports, he’s not your average kid, by any means. In fact, he’s just the opposite.


Think along the lines of absolutely unique and super talented too. Yes, he could speak words, just a few months after he was born. In the same way, he learned how to read as well as write too. And that was by the age of just 2! Wow, we’re loving his statistics so far.


However, the most shocking statement that ever came out related to him is how he’s actually a martian. Yes, as bizarre and startling as it sounds, we’re just conveying some fascinating facts. Reports also added how he was reborn on planet earth as well. But how much truth surrounds these myths? That’s the real question on so many people’s minds.

Source: Quora

Looking back at an intriguing past

News outlets also make special mention of how his life on mars actually had to be cut short. And that’s because a war broke out and wiped out all forms of life on that planet. Think along the lines of thousands of years ago. But have no fear because this young fellow is our savior.

Source: Republic World

Apparently, he is on his way to stop the same events from taking place on mother earth. And it’s truly unbelievable. According to the Metro, he was quoted as mentioning the following:


“No, I don’t have any fear for death, as we live eternally. Where I lived on Mars, there was a major catastrophe.”

“People like all of us still reside there. See, there was a nuclear war between all of them. As a result, everything over there burned down. Therefore, they had to rebuild shelters and also made new weapons too.”

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Source: Icepop

Blast from the past- looking back at 2008

The famous boy from Mars also gave a renowned interview, way back in 2008.point 208 |


Yes, Boriska explained how he traveled to planet earth from his homeland on Mars.point 68 | He also mentioned some serious connections with the Egyptians as well.point 128 | Wow, this story keeps on increasing in depth by the second.point 177 | We hope you’re still holding on to these shocking reveals.point 232 | 1


As proof, he claimed that living beings on planet earth will thoroughly change as the Great Sphinx of Giza gets unlocked. Certainly, these are some pretty bold claims. Boriska made all of these reveals years ago. But today, you can find him residing in the locality of Volgograd in Russia.

Source: Geek Girl Authority

However, many people are definitely questioning some of his bizarre facts. While there was plenty worth a mention, the fact that Martians don’t age after they’re 35 is unbelievable and they’re also immortal! Sigh…. what are your thoughts on all of these. We’re super curious to know!


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