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Loving Mum Of 6 Dies From COVID-19 After Delivering Premature Twins

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A stunning mother of 6 died from the deadly COVID-19 virus recently, right after she delivered premature twins.


According to media reports, Veronica Bernal lived a life of great struggles and it was heartbreaking, to say the least. It all began when she was first diagnosed with having the virus, shortly after Christmas time. And that, in turn, led to her delivering premature twins.


They came around 8 weeks early but that wasn’t the last of her struggles. She soon died afterward, just three weeks later.

Now, her heartbreaking story is going viral and many can’t handle the emotional aspects related to the tragic ordeal.

point 0 | premature twins
Source: People.point 114 | com

Meet the loving mum of 6

Veronica Bernal was one of the most beautiful women anyone knew.point 190 | She wasn’t beautiful only because of her looks but because of her heart of gold.point 262 |


And that’s when news broke about her sudden death, many couldn’t believe what they were hearing.point 93 | And the fact that she recently delivered premature twins but couldn’t even spend months with them is heartbreaking.point 197 | 1

Dying from COVID19, just weeks after her ordeal, this mum of 6 struggled till her last breath. And now, her story inspires so many who can’t come to terms with her loss.


The fact that the mum of six couldn’t even spend her last holiday season in peace had so many in awe. Certainly, no one knew COVID-19 would impact her life to such a great extent. Moreover, reports confirmed how her premature twins arrived around 8 weeks early. And then her sudden death- it was all due to the deadly virus that struck her.

Source: Yahoo News

The birth of premature twins

Having premature twins wasn’t something Veronica wanted by choice. But it did happen and some say it was a blessing in disguise and she passed away, soon afterward.


Hearing the news, loved ones feared for her life. Not only did she develop severe symptoms, they instantly turned into complications. And in the end, doctors had no choice but to put her on a ventilator. Hoping for the best, loved ones didn’t want to see her go so soon. But her fate and destiny had other plans. And in the end, she tragically died.


Her medical reports revealed how she remained on a ventilator for around 21 days. But instead of coming back strong, she died while battling till the end.

Source: Pinterest

Gone too soon

Today, her family recalls the beautiful moments and memories she shared with so many of her closest acquaintances. And it’s just terrible thinking how they will live without her by their side.


“She was so loving, caring, and beautiful.” Some even referred to her as the most compassionate one of them all. If there was one person who can’t hold back his tears the most, it’s her husband.

Manuel Medina explained to Fox 5 News how he just wasn’t able to say his final heartfelt goodbye to his wife. And it’s a regret that he still holds heavy in his heart. Moreover, he recalled all the beautiful memories he shared with his partner and how he fell instantly in love with her too.

Source: Yahoo News

“I loved her laugh, her smile, and also her presence,” he exclaimed. Above all, there is one thing that he simply can’t get over. “It hurts so much to know that there was nothing I could do.”


Ms. Bernal leaves her 10-month-old son behind, alongside three other kids. Thankfully, experienced doctors made the final call to deliver the twins at the last moment. And that was right before they put the mum on the ventilator.

Manuel plans on raising his kids alone and currently, his plate is very full. He is currently seeking prayers and donations via a fundraiser too.


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