Categories: FamilyHealth

Ever Seen A Baby With Beard? Meet the “‘Mini Wolverine” From Minnesota

Who doesn’t love babies? Especially if you don’t have to take care of them so when they start crying, you can just unsubscribe and hand them back over to whoever they belong to.


Or if you see a baby with beard, you will freak out.

I mean, don’t get us wrong, babies are all fun and games until and unless they start demanding food, milk, water, changing diapers and literally almost everything except being cute. Some are born super cute and others.. well, they are too.


But hey! they’re also known as God’s mysterious creatures for no other reason but because of how different they look. Again, don’t get us wrong this baby is super cute but even his dad admits he resembles wolverine. Why? Because he’s a baby with a beard.


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Jonathan from Minnesota: A baby with beard


On January 28th, weighing 6 lbs and 13 oz, Baby Jonathan was born at United Hospital in Saint Paul, Minnesota in the early hours of the day. As you can clearly see, this baby is super adorable just like the rest of the thousands of babies that are born every day.


He takes away and melts the hearts of those who look at him. Even his father, but there was something his father couldn’t hold back to say about him as everyone could clearly see anyway. This baby, according to his sarcastic father, has a back like a 50 years old bloke, hairy and too hairy.


What do the parents think of their beard baby?


Anthony Lopez, 28, and Nancy Rivera, 26 are proud parents of this baby boy. They say as much as they were happy about their baby being born and all, they were ‘shooketh’ to see the hair on the arms, legs, and back of this baby.


This was a baby with beard, too. So imagine their surprise, look at the pic below.

The family was surprised and was in as much of a shock as we are looking at these pictures. Anthony, who is a Lab Technician, was flabbergasted upon seeing coarse, thick black hair on his baby’s whole body and heck this was a baby with a beard, too.


According to the cute infant’s father: “Jonathan is like a mini Wolverine. The amount of hair he has all over his body is unbelievable. So much so that it’s making it into news, now ain’t that surprising?

When he first came out we were shocked to see that a baby with beard was born. Because he had so much facial hair as well.


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Some people have joked with us that this baby is going to learn how to shave before he learns how to walk or even crawl.


“Anthony continued, “All nurses were in shock too and joking around saying he is going to keep himself warm during the winter now that it’s January anyway. Our whole family finds it really entertaining.”

Obviously the ultrasound scans weren’t able to show the fuzzy hair he had on his whole body, so the couple was so shocked and couldn’t help but smile at the fact how wolverine-like he was.


According to some sources, too much hair on babies basically fall out and shed off during the natural bathing process.

So it’s likely that Jonathan won’t be called a Wolverine for the rest of his life. Good news or bad? That, only Jonathan can decide when he grows up.


Another shocking fact about how the baby was born

One other shocking thing about this baby is that the mother delivers him while he was in his amniotic sac. This is such a rare occurrence and it is actually known to be a lucky thing in some cultures.


Anthony, the dad of Jonathan; the baby with beard says: ” Everyone who met and saw the baby at the first glance was like Wow! He’s got a lot of hair. He’s a grown-up already.” He said he takes these jokes lightly and enjoys and says them himself anyway.


The downy hair will shed off with time and he won’t be a baby with beard no more! But a regular baby!