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Baby Pangolins Are Too Cute To Be True And These 8 Facts Prove Why

Baby pangolins are some of the most adorable creatures on the planet.


And while looking at these scaly anteaters might make you think twice, there is definitely more than meets the eye here.

Moreover, the cute critter isn’t a new fascination. This species dates back to several million years ago. Other than that, they’re also one of the few mammals that come covered with scales.


And just in case all this information wasn’t enough, we’re listing down 8 more fascinating facts that will make you fall in love. So let’s dive right in.

Hard from the outside but they’re just as soft on the inside

Source: Pinterest

Don’t be too afraid of baby pangolins. These creatures are renowned to be scaly anteaters. And while that’s true, let’s not forget about the fact that they’re super soft on the inside.


Unbelievingly, their scales comprise more than 20% of their true bodyweight. And while it appears that they’re harsh creatures, the truth is far from that. To put it simply, they mean no harm and love exploring the unknown.

Believe it or not, they’re closely linked to carnivores

Source: Discover Wildlife

From the looks of it, these creatures appear as if they’re related to slots, armadillos, or even anteaters. But that’s not the reality.


Generally, most pangolins are actually linked to carnivores. With that being said, it’s not clear how their relationships with other creatures are.

Baby pangolins love cuddling up into little balls

Source: Fact Animal

When threatened, baby pangolins don’t use violence. They simply curl up into little balls and move around. Yes, they love rolling around. And believe it or not, it’s one of the most adorable things you’ll witness in nature.


They’re super secretive and difficult to spot

Source: Bored Panda

Never underestimate their power. And that’s because they’re very secretive about their moves. On most occasions, you’ll find them hidden. However, when they are active, it’s mostly in the later hours of the night.


Above all, these creatures are quite fast too. So if you plan on catching them, you’ll definitely need to up your skills significantly.

Some distinct features include their large claws

Source: Houston Chronicle

Despite their fairly large size, some distinct features include their giant claws. But don’t worry, it’s not to harm humans. But instead, it’s to attain their prey.


Similarly, most of them feed on insects and termites. Hence for that reason, they need sharp claws to break into their nests and get their feed.

Baby pangolins are covered in scales

Source: Pinterest

As previously mentioned, these adorable critters are scaly anteaters. And their whole bodies are covered with scales that are made from keratin.


But there is one spot that’s scale-free. And just in case you haven’t guessed it, it’s their undersurface. Yes, that area contains scanty hair follicles.

These critters don’t have teeth but long tongues

Source: Grist

Pangolins don’t have any teeth. Instead, they use their tongues to capture their prey. Yes, these creatures have very powerful and long tongues that can replace teeth any day. Therefore, that is exactly how they obtain their nutrients.


A diet full of insects- a dream for these critters

Source: Vegan News

If you want to make these animals happy, you can give them a treat that’s full of insects. On average, they can consume up to almost 70 million different kinds of insect species per year.


We’re sure you’ve learned quite a bit about these heartwarming creatures in one go. Who knew such scaly creatures could be as cute as an artichoke?


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