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Baby Dies After Dad Abandons Her For 10 Hours As Work Was More Important

csddsdf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Baby Dies After Dad Abandons Her For 10 Hours As Work Was More Important

A young baby girl passed away tragically after her dad abandons her in a crib for a staggering period of 10 hours.


According to media reports, the 21-year-old father mentioned to cops how work was more important since he had to get the rent and pay the dues. For this reason, the dad abandons the daughter alone for 10 hours. But when he returned, it was too late. She was dead, laying helplessly alone in the crib.


Today, the father faces charges for child neglect in Orlando, Florida. But the scars this family story continually imprints across so many users is absolutely heartbreaking.

Here are the latest updates surrounding the story that might leave you shook to the core.

dad abandons
Source: The Mirror

Dad abandons daughter for 10 hours

21-year-old Belizaire left his young daughter alone in the crib on the evening of December 22nd. And that’s when he opted to head out to work as the month’s rent was due. The heartless father received a call from his workplace around 4 pm, as reported by WKMG.


After spending most of the evening and late hours of the night out, he returned tired and without a worry in the world. Certainly, all of that changed in an instant when he found his little daughter dead in her crib.

Meanwhile, the arrest report mentioned how the dad made futile attempts in getting a babysitter. Right after getting the office call, he did scramble for a helper. But when he couldn’t get a hold of one, poor decision making led to his daughter’s death.

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Source: The State

Dad says he knew what he was doing was wrong

On the other hand, the shocking arrest report from investigators revealed more heartbreaking details from this dad abandons daughter’s tale.point 277 |


“As the suspect tried to leave for work, he knew what he was doing is wrong.point 67 | ” That enough made so many people question his actions in the first place.point 134 | 1

“The dad felt pressured to work since the impending rent was due.” And that’s when he made the poor decision of leaving her unattended for hours, the police report added.

Source: Courier-Mail

21 year old booked for child neglect

After hearing the shocking incident, cops and paramedics rushed to the scene to carry out their last attempts of rescue. Unfortunately, it was too late. She was dead and there was nothing that could possibly bring her back to life.


Seeing her daughter in the crib, the dad rushed to call 911. He mentioned how his daughter was dead, and he made the grim discovery just a moment ago.

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Source: Daily Star

Cops immediately booked the father, after arriving at the scene for neglect that led to the little angel’s death.point 339 |


However, new reports came out in the next few days.point 42 | They showed how the monster dad received bail and hence would now be free from jail.point 111 | The arrest report failed to mention the young baby’s exact age, neither did it reveal the exact cause of death.point 209 | 1


However, it did mention how the dad found his daughter lying on her stomach, as soon as he got home. Hence, his charges entail child neglect that resulted in harm or disability.

Experts following the case mention how they believe that it could carry a sentence that could last 15 years. That is a long sentence indeed, followed by a possible $10,000 fine.


While more details regarding the family’s status are yet to be revealed, one thing is for sure. It’s a story that keeps neighbors and other loved ones heartbroken.


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