Categories: Animal/PetsLife

This Population Of African Ants Is One Of The Deadliest Species On The Planet

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term African ants?


Well, according to research, not too many people are aware of their insane capabilities. Moreover, some still believe that nothing compares to the fierce population of fire ants. But trust us when we say that they are in a league of their own.


Today, they are becoming more and more of a problem, especially in the warmer regions of the United States. And if this is one topic that truly burns you out, well, we’ve got some news for you.

We’re taking a closer look at a species that is driving so many individuals up the walls. Certainly, we’re sure you’re wondering why and that’s why we thought to bring forward a story that’s filled with mindblowing facts.

Source: Wikipedia

Say hello to African ants galore

Did you know that this is actually one of the world’s deadliest species on the planet? No, we kid you not. Research shows that you certainly don’t want to be near them because the after-effects can be so detrimental.


Also commonly known as driver ants, these little creatures are more than meets the eye. In the same way, it wouldn’t be wrong to term them as super mean insects. Some people go as far as saying that if you’re surrounded by fire ants, you have one thing to be grateful about. And that revolves around how you’re not infested with African ants, yikes!

Source: African Ants Blogger

They’re so nomadic

An interesting fact about these creatures is how they are very nomadic. And that means they relate to a particular genus, commonly referred to as the army ants. Notorious as can be, they are famous for traveling long distances. And that means they don’t sit in one single place.


Science shows how these little beings take little time to set and switch between different colonies. Hence, if they come and go early, don’t be too happy. They can return soon!

However, once their food supply gets finished, that’s a good indication of goodbye.

Source: The Japan Times

Traveling in huge packs- an absolute norm

If you’re familiar with Disney cartoons, you might remember how the ants’ kingdom used to travel in a single line. Here, nothing is different. You’ll find these species going from one place to the next, completely united and disciplined in long lines.


Another similarly interesting fact is how their numbers go above and beyond 22 million, in one single colony. Wow, we’re going crazy just thinking about it all!

Source: Viral Nova

Fire ants eat meat

It’s the nightmare and horror story that no one wants to hear. Yet, we all move forward knowing how driver ants are carnivores. This is another major difference between the usual fire ants.


But their major source of the food supply is not the usual. These little bugs eat earthworms- a creature that’s bigger than them! In addition, science says that they can consume any animal that isn’t smart. And that’s just so they can rid them out of their way while getting nutrients along the way.

Source: Viral Nova

They’re as aggressive as can be

While on the move, these little bugs behave like superorganisms. It’s similar to having one giant hive mind. Hence, if one ant gets hurt, you might want to keep others on standby. And that’s because these bugs will come for you like there’s no tomorrow.

Source: Viral Nova

A terrifying bite that lasts for days

When it comes to ant bites, nothing compares, especially in terms of the African species. It’s so poisonous that it can kill humans too. Hence, in case you suspect them in close proximity, we suggest you run as fast as you can. In case you don’t, the bugs will suffocate you fiercely!


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