Categories: HealthLife

These Top 5 Strategies For Lucid Dreams Will Enhance Your Sleep

What comes to your mind when you think about the term lucid dreams? Well, if you’re stuck in a moment and can’t remember, there’s simply no reason to break a sweat.


Lucid dreams are something magical. In simple terms, you can think of it as being awake during a dream. It’s almost as if you’re in complete control of your dream’s narrative. Typically, lucid dreams take place during rapid eye movement sleep. And that’s the name given to the part of sleep, where dreams occur.

Source: Neuroscience News

On estimate, a whopping 55% of individuals experience lucid dreaming, at last, once in their lives. Research proves that lucid dreaming is actually healthy. Additionally, it shows how lucid dreams assist in treating conditions like anxiety, nightmares, and depression too.


Hence, it’s no wonder why many people are adopting these 5 proven strategies for lucid dreams.

The WBTB approach- a common successful technique for lucid dreams

The WBTB approach is the short form for wake back to bed technique. Additionally, it involves entering into the REM stage of sleep, when you’re still in a conscious stage. One common technique for the WBTB approach includes the following:

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Source: Universe Reality
  • Set up an alarm, that’s around 4 or 5 hours past your bedtime
  • Next, go to sleep as you normally do
  • Consequently, when the alarm rings, get up for a further 30 minutes while indulging in quiet pastime like reading
  • Next, go back to sleep.point 316 |

    Coincidently, this is the point where you’re most likely to enter the lucid dream phase.point 76 |

Reality checking

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Source: Internet Business

Reality tests or reality checking is a common type of mental training.point 273 |


Hence, they enhance your mind to become more conscious of their surrounding.point 65 | That’s one of the main reasons why they’re so successful in granting you those lucid dreams.point 146 | 1

Here are a number of reality checks, commonly used for lucid dreams. Similarly, experts recommend picking out one reality check and then practicing it throughout the day.

  • Using mirrors- Checking to see whether your reflection appears normal or not
  • Breathing- The ever so popular nose pinch to see whether or not you can still breathe.point 136 | Hence if you can, then you’re dreaming
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Source: Trend Hunter
  • Time change-If the time on the clock changes, you’re dreaming
  • Hand glance- Stare at your hands to check whether or not they’re normal
  • The solid object test- Pushing hands against any hard object, to see whether or not it passes through.point 488 |

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Source: Isha Foundation

The MILD strategy

Another common technique for inducing lucid dreams is through a MILD strategy.point 203 |


Coincidently, it was one of the first methods used by researchers to induce many lucid dreams.point 79 | 1

This MILD technique focuses on prospective memory. In short, it involves making an intention to do something later on. Consequently, in this case, you’re making the intention to remember dreaming.  Hence, here are some steps to employ:

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Source: Blavatsky Theosophy
  1. Fall asleep, thinking of any recent dream
  2. Identify some sort of sign from your dream
  3. Ponder upon returning towards your dream.point 231 |

    Don’t forget to acknowledge that your dream sign is reserved solely for your lucid dreams

  4. Keep repeating to yourself that, “I want to remember what I’m dreaming.point 141 | ” This way, it will stick in your head, whenever you dream next.point 195 |

Keeping up with your dream journal

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Source: The Doctrine of Lucid Dreaming

Experts recommend that starting your dream journal or dream diary has positive benefits on lucid dreams.point 222 |


Every time you write down a particular dream, there’s a greater possibility of remembering it.point 82 | In addition, it assists in recognizing dream signs as well as recognizing your consciousness during dreams.point 174 | 1


WILD represents wake initiated lucid dreams and this technique has proven benefits for enhancing sleep. This is said to occur when you go into a dream, directly through waking life. The strategy helps your mind stay conscious, while simultaneously, your body enters into sleep.

Source: Sleepscore

Hence for this technique, you lie down, being completely relaxed. You have to wait till you enter into a hallucination that occurs, right before you enter into sleep.


While the technique looks simple, it’s a little tough to learn. Coincidently, research shows that practicing the other lucid dreams strategies will enhance your chances of nailing the WILD method.

Lucid dreams reduce depression, anxiety, substance abuse, stress, as well as insomnia. It’s no wonder why many people today are using this technique to overcome their condition.