Categories: FunnyMemes

20 Funny Teacher Memes That Are Unbelieving Relatable

funny teachers memes.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 20 Funny Teacher Memes That Are Unbelieving Relatable

From back to school sessions to the end of the year celebrations.


teachers and students share a special bond. Some happy moments become memories while others not so much. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. You can never replace the significance a good mentor holds in any student’s life. And for this reason, we’re sharing the top 20 funny teacher memes that are unbelievingly real.

The struggle for a good teacher pay scale is real

Funny Teacher Memes
Source: Bored Panda

Smarter kids equal a smarter generation. Hence the choices are right in front of us. What we choose to invest in today, will be our future of tomorrow.


Questions always make things better

Source: Bored Panda

Nothing compares to wasting time. And of course, gaining knowledge along the way.


Teachers and their efforts, undervalued much

Source: Bored Panda

Teachers put a great deal of effort into every the smallest of tasks. And that’s exactly why their payscale isn’t justified. It’s about time someone took notice.


It’s the little things in a teacher’s life that make all the difference

Source: Bored Panda

Yes, the struggle of spelling is real. Hence, just look at the difference between the two terms. Coincidently, we’d be scared.


Coffee is the perfect starter pack to every teacher’s morning

Source: Bored Panda

Coffee and mornings aren’t just a thing for teachers. They act as lifelines. Hence, expect the unexpected when you’re without them.


The mind games never cease to come to an end

Source: Bored Panda

Allow teachers to make students’ lives a living nightmare. At the same time, their future is at stake, but that’s another story altogether.


Teaching and stress- match made in heaven

Source: Bored Panda

These funny memes couldn’t have said things any better. Coincidently, the stress appears on the outside more than the inside.


That seems to be a pretty reasonable deal

Source: Bored Panda

Yes, some things are better left unsaid. Also, we’d recommend being wary of children around the most sensitive matters.


September and June- can you spot the difference

Source: Bored Panda

It always starts with fresh looks and then things seem to go downhill from there. In addition, we keep wondering what the cause could be.


All calculations are always worth it

Source: Bored Panda

No amount of money is enough. Especially when you are a teacher. Hence, relative authorities, please take notice.


We find out new things every day, even if the mind doesn’t want to accept

Source: Bored Panda

Teachers and surprises- such a winning combo.


Mentors and their undeniable efforts- heartwarmingly funny teacher memes

Source: Bored Panda

A teacher is only as good as his students. Concurrently, the painstaking efforts to achieve them are too.


Handing kids is more like taming animals- funny teacher memes always say how it is

Source: Bored Panda

Who let the dogs out? Also, is it really that bad?


The never-ending list to school supplies

Source: Bored Panda

It’s back to school season and you know what that means. In addition to the extra workload, there’s extra supplies as baggage too.


Every story or hit series always has a moral

Source: Bored Panda

Can these funny teacher memes say it any better? We certainly don’t think so. They’ve nailed it.


Daily teaching duties without grading papers is not normal

Source: Bored Panda

No, it’s not vacation time. It’s grade papers at home time. Also, does anyone notice the excess baggage? Clearly they’re overworked.


Teachers giving individual attention… clearly they need higher pay

Source: Bored Panda

Teachers are really underpaid when you look at this meme. Also, it’s like possessing true superhero powers.


Kids and their comprehension

Source: Bored Panda

If only kids could reiterate what was actually taught, things would be so much easier. At the same time, there’s always room for improvement.


Extra recognition for deciphering handwriting

Source: Bored Panda

The daily dilemmas of reading unique fonts are real. While the efforts are nothing less than the FBI, the payscale surely is. Also, why can’t all handwriting be neat.


Sometimes even teachers can’t help it- funny teacher memes worth remembering

Source: Bored Panda

This hilarious meme reenacts the classic Friends episode. While teachers have a lot of patience, they are humans. Also, let’s give them their fair share of respect.


These funny teacher memes portray the daily struggles every teacher goes through to bring out the best from their students. While being hilarious, they’re eye-opening too. Hence, they demand special recognition for teachers around the globe.