Categories: FunnyMemes

20 Funny Marriage Memes That Describe Every Couple Perfectly

Married life is a whole different world.


While many anticipate their big day, others seem to have had enough. Whatever the case may be, these 20 funny marriage memes describe married life seamlessly. So join us for some light-hearted humor and good entertaiment fun below.

Marriage and compromise go hand in hand

Source: Bored Panda

Marriage is full of surprises. But one thing that’s never concealed is compromised. Hence, be prepared from day one.


Patience is a virtue and a test for marriage material too

Source: Bored Panda

Yup, if they pass the slow internet challenge, they’re yours forever. I mean could there be any test more reliable than this? We honestly don’t think so.


There’s zero tolerance for mumbles in a relationship

Source: Bored Panda

If you have something to say, you should say it. That’s all part of the contract. At the same time, there’s simply no room for mumbling we believe.


Some shopping sprees are absolute nightmares

Source: Bored Panda

Married life means stepping outside of your comfort zone. And that includes the no-entry zone of the supermarket too. Hence, we just wish it came with a trigger warning.


The dangerous wink can mean more things than one

Source: Bored Panda

Everything is fine but that one wink. Never has a single action meant so much. Hence, now you may drink at your own risk please.


Seven years strong vs 7 months long

Source: Bored Panda

Even the Royals can’t help it. It’s always fun and games at the start, and then things get boring. These funny marriage memes have it on record.


A new meaning to talking dirty evolves post marriage

Source: Bored Panda

The thought behind the infamous talk dirty line is mindblowing. And this funny marriage meme proves just that and more. In addition, couples please make sure you take it in the right context next time. Did we mention how important laundry is?


You shouldn’t be laughing in the first place- classic funny marriage memes at their best

Source: Bored Panda

A wise man never laughs. Coincidently, men need to be more careful next time. Also, the joke could well be on you.


Empathy for men is always more than women

Source: Bored Panda

Why do men always have it easy? In case you beg to differ, these funny marriage memes say it all.


Food is always the solution to all problems

Source: Bored Panda

Yes, the answer to every question, and every problem is always food. Now can we please have some.


Never say never- there’s always evidence, hence proven in these funny marriage memes

Source: Bored Panda

Couples and their renowned detective mysteries. What a treat!


The infamous ‘i told you so’ returns

Source: Bored Panda

The classic saying never gets old in marriage. All couples will surely agree. Also, the case always rests on the wife’s court. Hence, no room for arguments whatsoever.


10-foot distance, please

Source: Bored Panda

Yup, that’s about right. Now please maintain distance before we lose our cool further.


Secrets are meant to be shared, especially with partners

Source: Bored Panda

What do you mean by no secrets. We’ve promised in our vows to be truthful to one another. Hence, these funny marriage memes couldn’t have said it any other way.


Be careful when you speak, all evidence can be used against you

Source: Bored Panda

Of course, it will. You should always think before you speak in the first instance. Concurrently, it makes life so much simpler to deal with. Hence, please continue your stance while I record.


No sympathy for home chores whatsoever

Source: Bored Panda

One chore is done versus 100 other chores done, wives deserve a tad more respect, don’t you think? At the same time, old habits die hard.


Aren’t we all a little crazy deep down inside?

Source: Bored Panda

At least we’re woman enough to admit it. Everyone goes off track once in a while.


These funny marriage memes prove why married life is so entertaining. You never know what the next minute, day, or even year can bring forward. Hence, it’s no wonder why spouses can’t help but admit this undeniable reality.