If you like linking video games with every other violent attack in the universe, then these video game memes are just for you.
While we agree that violence isn’t always the best policy, a little harmless entertainment goes a long way.
On another note, critics can’t help but blame video games for the littlest inconvenience. Similarly, they make it seem as if video game creators planned the entire episode in the first place. And that’s why it’s payback time in the form of some hilarious elements.
These 10 video game memes are guaranteed to give critics and others a fun yet memorable. And it’s definitely one they’ll recall for a lifetime. So let’s get right into it.
Murders always get away with it

Video games or no video games, murderers somehow always tend to make a getaway. Moreover, we wonder how many more years it’s going to take to make others understand.
And yes, if you feel entertaining games are responsible, then we’re going to burst your bubble. There were no games back in the old days so please rest your case.
Nobody can say it better than these video game memes

Yes, that’s just the right amount of violence it takes to make a difference in video games. Sadly, if only people could understand and use their brains. Nevertheless, keep those humor-filled elements coming.
The reasons are plenty and gaming isn’t one of them
Just when you thought fun and games were responsible for all the wrongdoing, comes this hilarious meme. And yes, there’s plenty of reasons for the problems in this world. And we’d like to point our fingers at just that.
When reality strikes, there’s no turning back
For those who grew up with little to no means of entertainment, this one is for you. Likewise, it’s very easy to point fingers and not take into actual evidence, keeping in mind the era. And if you don’t mind, we’d like to return to our little gaming session now.
Life and its coincidences
While there may be plenty of coincidences in life, violence and video games just aren’t one of them. However, you can’t argue with white mothers. And that’s because they are never wrong or should we say they live in that assumption.
Now that’s a familiar face and an even better video gaming meme
Nuclear wars and mass killings have nothing to do with entertainment. And who better to ask than this young gentleman. Hence, we can rest in peace now.
Let the blame game begin
Isn’t it so easy for leaders to play the blame game? Meanwhile, we just wish they actually do their jobs right, for once in their lives.
A twist of words or just plain nonsense
Now this fine gentleman is in desperate need of some help. It’s almost as if he’s contradicting himself, time and time again. And yes, people do kill people and it’s a heartbreaking state of affairs.
Hunting and violence- it just couldn’t be
While stereotyping video games as the instigators for violence, these parents refuse to see the bigger picture.point 249 |
Most importantly, it’s almost as if hunting is a hobby in their eyes.point 59 | What happened to bans and laws against the innocent killing of wildlife? Well, we suppose they evaporated like everything else.point 167 | 1
Women and their rage- an unmatchable affair
This hilarious pun takes a good hit at women, in particular wives. And it’s crazy how true the wording is. On another note, some women do enjoy video games but that’s a different story altogether.
If these video game memes bought a smile to your face, we suggest you give it a share with loved ones. What better way to spread the joy around?
For more entertaining memes, don’t forget to take a look at our article 10 Good April Fools Pranks To Pull Off Perfectly This Year.