Categories: HealthLife

10 Poor Blood Circulation Symptoms That Require Immediate Attention

Our cells require food and energy to function.


Blood circulation is the reason why many of us can move, eat, sleep, work, and more. Without this, we wouldn’t be living today. Poor blood circulation symptoms hint at an underlying disease or condition. Some may present themselves early while others occur at later stages. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. These indications should never be ignored.

Here are the top 10 poor blood circulation symptoms that require immediate attention.

Source: WebMD

1. Numbness and tingling sensations in feet, hands or the toes

People suffering from poor blood circulation experience ‘pins and needles’ type of sensation. This usually occurs in the extremities due to poor blood flow. As a result they include the hands, feet, and toes in particular.


2. Poor memory- one of the commonest poor blood circulation symptoms

The brain’s blood flow is very sensitive. When it doesn’t receive good circulation, its functions get impaired. And one of the commonest poor blood circulation symptoms includes sluggish memory. As a result, patients complain of forgetfulness more than usual.

Source: DNA India

3. Digestive problems including poor abdominal blood flow

When fat develops in the abdominal arteries, it restricts blood flow to that area. The abdomen plays an important role in food digestion. Consequently, poor circulation leads to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloody stool, diarrhea, and a whole range of other digestive issues.


4. Decreased appetite

As discussed above, poor circulation can affect the abdomen’s functions too. Concurrently, other poor blood circulation symptoms include decreased appetite.

It’s actually quite interesting. Your appetite is controlled by a hormone called ghrelin. It is released from the gut. But in cases of poor circulatory status, it isn’t, Hence, you feel less hungry than usual.

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Source: Verywell Health

5.point 123 | Low energy levels- a major component of poor blood circulation symptoms

Fatigue or low energy levels are early indicators of poor circulatory status.point 250 |


When you are experiencing extremely low energy levels, it indicates poor oxygen supply.point 75 | In particular, the body’s muscles.point 111 | And in case you exercise, low oxygen blood leads to longer recovery time periods.point 179 | 1

Source: Medical News Today

6. Throbbing pain

Throbbing pain doesn’t always signal trauma or injury. It could be one of the early poor blood circulation symptoms. When less blood is delivered, your hands and feet feel cold and ache with pain.

Source: TerraFreeze

7. Swollen feet and abdomen

Inflammation occurs when your blood pools in certain areas, due to poor circulation. The end result is swelling. Concurrently. this term is referred to as edema in medicine. At the same time, heart circulation problems may lead to swelling toward the abdominal region.



Source: Afzal Clinic

8. Onset of angina

A good indicator of poor circulation is coronary artery insufficiency.  This poor circulatory condition will lead to unstable angina- a series of severe chest pain episodes. On most occasions, the chest pain radiates to the shoulder, neck as well as the arms.

Source: Medlife

9. Skin changes such as cyanosis

Cyanosis is the bluish discoloration of skin and nail beds. When there is not enough proper blood flow, a deficiency of oxygen ensues. Hence, the skin takes on a reddish-bluish appearance. While it may not sound too serious at first, cyanosis is an immediate medical emergency.

Source: First Aid For Free

10. Ulcers in the leg and foot region

Slow blood circulation deprives certain regions of the body with oxygen. Particularly, the hands and feet.  In addition, since wound healing needs adequate oxygen, it’s no surprise why ulcers occur. These take a while to heal.

Source: The Primary Care Dermatology Society

Poor blood circulation symptoms demand immediate medical attention. In many cases, these symptoms manifest themselves in a variety of forms. The earlier the detection, the more enhanced the chances of recovery.