Let’s be real, PowerPoint presentations are no joke especially for introverts but with funny presentation ideas, they can win.
Students at their school and college levels as well as friends of different circles have found a little way to insert humor in serious topics that just makes them awesome!
So, we’ve added a few funny presentation ideas represented by teachers and students that you are going to want to just steal and use in your own class presentations. Not going to lie, these funny PowerPoint topics for friends are a great idea too. There are so many funny presentation memes out there, too that we shall share here with you all.
Funny Presentation Ideas
So we reckon this student isn’t really a fan of Justin Bieber. You can guess for sure by this slide he made regarding traveling at a certain velocity and death at the end. Grrrr.. seems like a bit harsh of a Physics problem that JB’s haters are going to solve right away.
Top Funny One Of The Best Presentation Memes
Y’all… did you know there are some people on planet earth who can’t differentiate between Nelson Mandela and Morgan Freeman? Yeah, that’s right.point 297 |
Well, we kind of had to look up his name too, this is one of the funniest presentation memes that had us in tears and confusion both.point 107 | 1
Best Funny Presentation Memes
So there was a time we were all warned never to trust strangers, never hop in their cars for whatever reason there might be.point 104 | Not going to lie the crime rate during those times wasn’t even as high as now but guess what? Ever since 2017, this is what we’ve been doing.point 230 |
Talk about Uber and other such services and we’re just doomed!point 58 | 1
Funny PowerPoint Topics For Friends
We don’t know whether this guy is serious or not but let’s be honest.point 271 |
What are those animals we see in zoos with long necks and some print on ’em? Are they horses but fake ones? What’re their necks? And their backs? Ok, we’re getting off-topic, just going to leave y’all with this pic right here.point 209 | 1
Interesting Homework No One Will ‘NOT DO’
Talk about winning the best teacher of the year award and show the world these fun presentation ideas. Although some of the things mentioned here are definitely UN-possible but hey! At least it’s better than solving some mystery, ugly Math problems, no?
Funny Presentation Memes
This is one more funny presentation memes that just makes us laugh so loud. Rolling on the floor laughing is an understatement because if you ever took a Psychology class, you’d know how accurate yet sad this is. This generation ain’t going nowhere with these many psychology problems with them.
These teacher memes are super funny, you may wanna share it with your friends
Funny PowerPoint Topic For Friends and Teachers To Discuss Relative Dating
So we all know Alabama’s famous for cousin marriages and dating among the white people.point 82 | Mind you, the teacher has a funny twist showing you what relative dating is, he shows his elite humor by pointing out it does not mean two cousins dating.point 208 |
PERIOD.point 7 | Someone give this teacher a pay rise already!point 45 | 1
Have You Ever Opened Google Searches Page 2?
Yeah, we neither. This dude has some excellent ideas to get rid of something. Can’t find a place to hide a dead body? Do it on google searches page 2! No one ever visits that, lol.
Funny Presentation Ideas By Professor Of The Year
You know your professor is a Lady Gaga fan when you see this on the PowerPoint. Seriously though what an excellent way to teach your students all the periodic items on the Chemistry tab. Oh yeah, we totally accept this bad romance ;))
You Know You’re Done With Studies When This Is Your Last Slide
Hold up, you thought we were done with the funny presentation ideas? Na, we saved the best for last. Check this out and don’t forget to give us credit when you make this one your last slide in thesis presentation.